Friday, December 26, 2008

Grrrrrrrr to the 100thpower

As stated in my last post - I am sick - really sick...

I just got my health insurance at work - however I did not get a new 'medical' card yet proving my insurance coverage(mind you I have my Rx card and the card saying I have Vision coverage). According to the HR people tho, that was 'OK' and I was to not avoid going to the doctor because I was to insist that the doctor's office put the bill through anyway. (Which I should have realised was not a good idea but hey...).

So today I managed to get myself an appointment at the doctor's office - when I called, I explained the situation to the girl on the phone and she set up the appt.
I show up at the desk and I get harassed for not having my medical card - I begin to get nasty with the girl at the desk and she informs me it's not her - it's the 'Clinic's policy' - I asked her what Dr. Toby Cosgrove does when indigent people need medical care - or for that matter people who are unconscious - what the fuck is up with health care in this country? At any rate this woman did her best to help - she tried calling up my insurance provider (closed of course). They let me get seen anyhow. (How very kind and compassionate of them).

I get take back to the room by a male nursed - he asks me why I am there - I tell him I am dying - he laughs and I go onto to complain that because people seem to think it is OK to 'cook' meth from the ingredients in cold remedies that the current OTC fare doesn't do a damn thing. He laughs at this as well - good thing I did not offend him - I am so miserable...

So the doctor comes in and I plead my case and she prescribes good old-fashioned antibiotics because I KNOW I am getting a sinus infection at this point.

So now, Rx in hand I go to the pharmacy armed with my new card. I give the Rx to the lady behind the counter and after wandering the store for a couple of minutes, I get called back to be told that when she punched the numbers in for my Rx card (which again I JUST FUCKING GOT IN THE MAIL), that they system was telling her it was expired - so she too offers to call the company about the situation - I cut her off and ask how much it will cost me out of pocket because now I am so fuming I can barely see straight....$20 she said - SOLD I say....

You know, it's bullshit - absolutely bullshit that I had to go through this and not just because I am sick. I don't want to go into work and raise a stink on Monday but I have to - it's not just me depending on my medical coverage, it's my family too. What I see here is such a mess in all aspects of the nightmare that passes for health care in this country. No wonder people are so angry. How do we fix it? Well I think we need socialised medicine here - but that is not the entire answer. We need for the people in the health industry to get their acts together, we need for the left hand to talk to the right hand. We need to remember why we care for the sick in the first place. We need to step up to the plate and embrace alternative and complimentary practices and preventative medicine. We need to become more compassionate about the things that truly matter....

But hey - what the hell do I know? I need to go lie down now and make my head stop feeling like it is going to explode from cotton balls and rubber cement being wedged up inside of it...I need Erin to come home and hold me (for a little while at least).

Love to you all....may the coming New Year be very, very healthy for you or at least well covered insurance-wise.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Hello:) it's Heather I know it's been awhile since we've talked but I've moved back to Cleveland. Hope maybe we can catch up. I know how you feel about the sinus infection I have one now that's very nasty and it's not fun. Hope you feel better I know you don't have my new number its 440-669-1045 call me soon please I've missed our talks.

11:15 PM  

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