Saturday, May 08, 2010

Life and Times

So at the end of the month of April, I traveled with my husband and my brother to my home town of Pittsburgh. Despite desperately wanting to 'get the hell out of there' growing up, I adore the 'Burgh'. It is way more cultured and interesting than Cleveland and of course there's the whole 'family' thing going on as well...which I love sharing with my husband.

We went in the night before the wedding and hung out at my youngest cousin Tim's house - he has an amazing house and I just loved the feel of the place. We had wonderful food, plenty of wine and beer and lots of fun. Reminiscing and giving each other shit was a blast.

The next day we attended the actual wedding ceremony - my husband took pictures of the beautiful church (St. Mary's of the Mount), located directly across the street from the Mt. Washington observatory in the South hills over looking the city. My husband also was helping to take pictures of the ceremony for my cousin, which was very kind of him.

The wedding was lovely and afterwards, we got to go hang out with my cousins at the 'pre-reception' at my Irish grandmother's house - more food and drink and fun....then off to the reception, held at a very nice place called Salvatore's. Open bar, dinner served buffet-style and cupcakes for dessert (along with home-baked pastries). I even had the pleasure of dancing with my husband....we were all however, put to shame by a couple of my older (like 70 year old) cousins who were cutting the rug like no one else in the room could. They received a round of applause for their efforts and I once again vowed that I needed to take dance lessons.

I am also going to try to start going to visit my cousins more often because we all love one another and miss one another...and why not? After all, it's only 2 scant hours from Cleveburg….

The following week was an absolute blur as I prepared to ready myself for the onslaught that is our national sales meeting. For the second year since I have been with the company I was chosen to be part of the support staff for two different divisions within our organization – one of which my personal group.

Every year, this is held at a very nice resort. Our group has stayed at Saddlebrook in Florida for I believe over 7 years now. People get the impression that you are down here having fun but I have been working something close to 12 hours days for two weeks now. I got to go to the pool today for two hours and it was like heaven.

The night before we left (for his birthday gift, I was flying Erin down with me to enjoy the resort for a couple of days), my husband and I went for a bike ride. It was so good to be riding again, I really need to get back into it. I did some last minute packing, some husband snuggling and tried to get to bed early – failed miserably, due in large part to the mother-f-ing, corn-hole-playing, rednecked, hyena cackling laughing bitch and her family that live behind us who were partying away until 1AM. So here I am with 4 hours sleep trying to travel during a day that has me ‘on the clock’ at 6AM and will not end until probably about 10PM. This is going to be a grueling 15 days ahead of me….

Checking in for our flight was another hassle, I booked our flight on Continental but apparently we were actually flying on United. So getting to our gate proved to be a pain. Got on a puddle jumper bound for Chicago where the only saving grace was being with my husband.

The flight to Florida was OK….we were taken right away to the resort. Erin and I greeted my other co-workers and went to our room (you get an apartment for the week to stay in – and in my case I will be here for two weeks).

I spent some time with my baby then went back to work. I think I worked until 9PM – I can’t remember now because these days all begin to blur together…

The next morning I was up around 5:30 and in the office around 6:45AM. Erin and I got some breakfast and then he was off to golf and later was set to spend the day with his step-sister – which was nice for him. I too was able to see my step-sister-in-law for a couple of minutes. I worked until 10:30PM – I am basically in charge of the awards presentation for the division’s annual big event where people are given honors for their great performance over the past fiscal year. In reality the work is fun and exciting – yet it’s also very tiring at times. But I work with a great group of professionals and we try to make it as fun as possible.

The next day, Erin was set to leave – so I spent a little bit of time with him before his flight. Erin has written cards out for me for each day that I am here so that I have something to remind me of how much he loves me. It’s great to come back from my hectic day and read these cards….

With Erin gone and the big awards night over for this group, I have a bit of a lull in the work – but I am still gearing up for MY group of close to 500 people to descend upon us on Monday, May 10th. So as the other support staff begin to trickle in – the crescendo begins to build for the next wave. The best part of wrapping up was a treat that the resort arranged for us of assorted cheeses, strawberries, crackers and flatbreads, grilled lobster and champagne….YUM!

Last night, we all gathered at my co-worker’s room for a pizza/beer/booze ‘let’s watch the Cavs destroy the Celtics’ party. We had so much fun! My face still hurts from how hard I was laughing with all the stories and just general camaraderie….booze plays a big part after hours and helps us to relax and unwind. Not all of us get that drunk – but it’s nice to sit around and have a beer or a glass of wine and talk.

Today was the first day that I was able to actually relax and enjoy the wonderful pool here. I have a bit of a sunburn but it was great nonetheless. I spoke with my colleague and asked her if she was even able to enjoy the pool and she told me not really – maybe at night for a couple of hours but never during the day.
Tomorrow, Sunday is Mother’s day and, as I write this I am musing about the fact that I get to sleep in (LIKE WOW – GO ME!) for the first time in two weeks. I will probably have to spend some time in our ‘office’ but more than likely I will be able to relax the rest of the day.

Then on Monday, all hell will break loose….

More later kids…for now I am going to hope to hear from my Beloved before I have to go to sleep without him by my side – as I listen to the bullfrogs singing in the background all I can think of is how much I miss my home and my bed and my Erin….


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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Alas Baby, I looked at the photos I took at the wedding and most of them are blurry, but some are good. I shake entirely too much, at least for the camera settings and lighting in the church. With some work I can come up with more appropriate settings for weddings - I think mostly just using a higher ISO will help tremendously, but I need to experiment/practice first. You know, churches don't exactly move too quickly which is were I have almost all my practice with the camera.

I would like very much to be able to cut the rug with you like your older cousins. There are a couple dance places around Mentor, so we should look into getting some classes this summer. We should check with the Earl and Mary and see if they have any recommendations.

I'm heading out for the day, but I miss you Baby. I can't wait till you get home.

We should look into that spa thing with those sheets...

4:26 PM  

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