Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Enthusiasm Chasm - Again? Really?

The Enthusiasm Chasm Again? Really?

Once again, Mr. Cunix 'hits the nail on the head' brilliantly I might add.

Now that the dust has settled, after 'judgment day' how are you all feeling?

I am still disgusted, discouraged, disgruntled, and dismayed. I can not for the life of me figure out how to get these clowns out of office and put in competent leaders. I mean does something happen to their brains once they take office? Is there a bag of money that is secretly deposited on their doorstep so that they don't 'rock the boat'?

I did not want to vote along 'party' lines yesterday. I wanted change from Mr. Obama and all it seems the country is receiving is more of the same old, same old. Is it because the Republicans REFUSE to work with the president and their colleagues to enact change? I mean is it sour grapes? Could they all just 'get along' (read: grow up)??? WTF?

How sad. I have two older children and now two younger step children. How do I tell them that voting is important when half the time I don't even want to live in this country (not that another country is much better)....I want to impress upon them how important it is to participate, to do their civic duty...but how do I in good conscience do that?

Yesterday, on NPR, I was listening to commentary about how all of us seem to be bouncing back and forth between the two parties, voting them out when they don't seem to get it right. But what purpose does it serve? I mean don't they have to stay the course long enough TO change things? What good does it do to bounce back and forth? It's a shame we have to think of things in terms of 'the lesser of two evils'. Even the fun of past satiric 'Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?' offers little in the way of comfort let alone comic relief.

I want to give the next generation hope for a decent I being too idealistic. Is change simply not on the agenda (ever)?

I don't mean to sound so hopeless, but the frustration does not seem to go away.

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

The largest part of the population, and doubly so the largest part of the voting population, is the boomers. I get the sense that it is a generation entrenched in the two-party system and less likely to embrace a candidate from one of these up and coming parties.
Give it another 40 years, and we'll see the political problems are really because of generational entrenchment... oh wait, I guess many of don't have 40 years.

12:49 PM  
Blogger Erin Garlock said...


Give it another 40 years, and we'll see IFthe political problems are really because of generational entrenchment

12:51 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

You know darling, your 'hard-on' for the boomers is really wearing thin.

What if I were to start blaming YOUR generation for every ill that has befallen this country?

While your point maybe valid - the people who really need to change things and get out and vote aren't the boomers it's the younger crowd.

And, isn't it saying enough to you that it's those same boomers I want voted out?

Just sayin'.....

Yep. 100 years from now, all new people. Lets' rejoice in that shall we....

2:15 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

One last point....

Does it ever occur to you that the 'boomers' are just as upset and outraged over what is going on?

I watched a woman who could not retire from her job at the Cleveland Clinic cause her pension was destroyed and that's just ONE story in a cast of hundreds of thousands of boomers that are suffering. They didn't do anything to deserve not being able to retire...

They want change too. They were the generation that made the country change to begin with back in the 60s. We do owe them a bit of gratitude for helping with the civil rights/womens' rights movements...

I think it's important to recognize that they are fed up too.

While you and I (and *I* am a boomer too, right?) may be more comfy voting for a 'different' party - all we ended up doing in essence was handing control back to the Republican assholes and that IS ABSOLUTELY NOT what I ever wanted to do - cause frankly George Bush is a lot of the reason why we are in this mess in the first place...

...actually George Washington is but that's another post/rant entirely.

I realize you quantified your statement with an if...I just want you to acknowledge that boomer (such as me) are pissed off and sick of it too....

OK I will stop now.

2:51 PM  

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