Monday, August 08, 2011

To All the Anonymous ones/To the A-hole/Thank you Celesta Davis

Thank you for your comment. Please don't sell yourself short. You too are brave and it's OK to reach out. It's OK to talk and I am glad you did. Please feel free to write to me off line if you ever need someone to talk to. I know how scary this subject can be.

For all of the rest of you regarding me being cryptic....

Many moons ago, I ran a very long post after watching the movie: 'Awful Normal' which was a story by the very brave Celesta Davis and her willingness to speak about the unspeakable. For some reason, I have been getting a lot of hits on that post from the past. It was a very hard post to write but in my mind and heart one that needed to be written. Secrets can destroy you...keeping quiet isn't always the better part of valor or discretion. If I managed to get through to even one person - to help just one person, then sharing my own story was worth reliving that pain again.


As of 8/8/11

I was personally attacked by some other anonymous A-hole on my blog post about this...I just love how people think that anonymity allows them to be brave. They get to say whatever they want and then trot off to the safety of their little delusional kingdom never realizing or caring about how their comments wreak havoc on the person who is least able to handle being attacked for something they didn't do.

To them I leave the comment - and they know where they can find's on the original post. My anger at them has not diminished. I mean hey, it takes a lot of balls to come out of the wood work and attack someone anonymously. It never occurs to you in your dysfunctional thinking that you have no right to judge me or anyone else about such horrors. Let's see what YOU would do if this happened to you at the age of 6 and then have to remember it some 20 years later...

Jesus...the post is so old that the link to Ms. Davis' documentary does not even work anymore. But yeah, if it makes you feel better about your sorry ass go ahead and yell at me for opening up about my abuse.

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