Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Are women leaving men behind? - CNN.com

Are women leaving men behind? - CNN.com

I want to add a quote from the article posted so that I don't upset the men in my life that I dearly love.

"Let me say this again: This is not feminist gloating. It's not any kind of value judgment. It just is. Women are in so many ways filling the roles that men traditionally filled."

So...the times they are a changin' - and perhaps it will end up being something better for all genders involved.


Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Only on the high end of the social spectrum.

On the other end of the spectrum...well perhaps they are leaving men behind too, but in a totally negative way. Women are committing more crimes than before, female DUIs are nearly equal to men, drug use is up, women still defacto receive alimony and child support (even when the father has the child(ren) most of the time), etc.

I'm all for improvement and equality, but I have to ask, when will the whining and distrust stop? When will a men's organization not be viewed as sexist? etc.

9:26 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

I agree with you for the most part. And if you truly listen to/watched her talk she mentions those issues are rising with the female population.

The trust thing is a two-way street and the only answer I can give is probably when men learn to trust as well and when they can be truly trusted...it's not a gender thing, it's a people thing.

I don't think women belong in men's locker rooms if men aren't allowed in women's as well. Same for combat and a myriad of other things women seem to complain about 'not being equal'....

Oh and BTW - I love you.

11:16 AM  

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