Thursday, July 05, 2012

Post Secret...only different....

There are a couple of things I’d like to tell a couple of people….and these are most notably people who could care less about my opinion (or anyone else's for that matter), and don’t even read this or know this blog exists. Still….


How’s that whole ordering lunch thing going for you? Remember how you fought against doing that ‘cause it was SO beneath you? I guess me getting fed up and finding a REAL job sure put a crimp in that attitude…bon appetit sister.


You know….this whole thing where you don’t want to be bothered supporting your kids cause they are ‘adults’ and ‘you’ve had enough over the past 20-some-odd-years-thing’ and now it’s someone else’s turn to help them? Well guess what – one day, that fed-up business of yours is going to come to roost. In the form of your kids deciding to wash their hands of you in return, you know like when you are old and really need their help, love, and support? When you are suffering from your own ‘diseases’ – but hey maybe they will just view it as ‘old age’ and lets’ face it – that’s not a disease, is it?


For someone whom I understand is a ‘clean freak Nazi’ – don’t you think dirty water backing up into your washing machine and dishwasher AND HOME is unclean???? Ya Think??? Here’s a clue, stop spending money on yourself and on partying, and spend it on keeping your kids safe, HEALTHY and happy. DO SOMETHING SELFLESS REQUIRING SACRIFCE FOR A CHANGE.



Blogger Erin Garlock said...

I'd like to tell you a couple things too. I love you very much. Thank you for sharing all things about your kids and about mine.

9:30 PM  

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