Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Bride Stripped Bare

I find myself unable to concentrate – it’s been this way for a while – I have always been an avid reader – but with the past year’s events, I simply could not read (or sleep, eat, function in general – I am surprised I still have a job). Recently I have ‘found’ books again – it is a great joy to me – although not so much a great comfort, depending on the book in question.

I am currently reading a book authored anonymously called “The Bride Striped Bare” – it is one of the most riveting books I have ever read. The story is told in brief chapters and each chapter seems to have a heading that is a ‘lesson’ that seems to have come form an old English primer book on how to be a good wife (at least possibly how be a good wife back in Victorian times). But this is a modern-day story about a wife who is caught between a rock and a hard place after she finds out her husband is cheating with her best and oldest friend. It is also about this young woman’s ‘awakening’ in some ways. In my current ‘predicament’ this book has almost become a ‘primer’ for me (although the woman in the book handles her situation in a much different way than I did), and, much like a horrible car accident I am drawn into it and I cannot look away.

I don’t usually recommend books. I mean who cares what *I* read, right? This one being of such a very personal nature might not be your particular cup of tea. But the dedication in the book says more in the way of a recommendation than I could possibly say – the book is dedicated to all wives – and all husbands. If you read this book - you should try to get your sginificant other to read it as well - it's pretty 'eye-opening'. And the title to this book is so VERY apropos.

If you do end up finding this one on your bedside table let me know so we can ‘discuss’.


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