Monday, April 11, 2005

There & Back Again Redux

I shouldn't even be doing this....writing that is.

I am at home today sick. My head and body feel like crap. My stomach is a mess. I am just bleh all over the place.

My son and I got a late start to drive up to Michigan - as I knew we would. I really don't like driving at night like that. We did not make it in util 10:30 or 11 PM. Everyone in thh house seemed a bit subdued as well - even for a Saturday night - it was bed time for most of the family. Not of course for my son and the younger set of the family. They stayed up until 4 AM (this seems to be a pattern with my son these days). I slept like crap. I did wake up though so that I could spend some quality time with my grandson & granddaughter - as well as my daughter.

I got a much later start than I wanted to coming home and I tried to drive with little or no stops but I must have been coming down with this bug then because I was just so beat - and not wanting to drive.

Musically my son took over on the drive up there. He was the 'musical navigator' and we listened to:

Sgt. Pepper's - The Beatles
The Moon & Antartica - Modest Mouse
Let it Be - The Beatles
Good News for People who Like Bad News - Modest Mouse

After that it was him flipping through various rtock stations out of Toledo and Detroit. We had some coversations about today's rock-n-roll and why it sucks and the criteria that makes an album worth listening too - or at least puts it on the charts. He's pretty smart about this stuff and while I don't agree with all of his musical choices - he's got pretty good taste in music.

Right near Toledo we stopped for Arby's (big mistake and probably why I am sick today)...but at 9PM at night what choices does one really have....

On the way home, my musical listening was limited to mixed CDs I had in the car and then while heading into Detroit, I stumbled upon 'Doug FM' 91.3 out of Detroit. This is a new format in radio apparently; these stations are popping up in some markets - they call themselves thinkgs like 'Jack FM', 'Ben FM', 'Fred FM' and they claim they play 'EVERYTHING'. And that is what this radio staiton seemed to do.
I hit it just as they were playing Sting's 'Fields of Gold' then Kiss' song 'I was made for loving you', there was U2, Madonna, Doobie Brothers, a real mix of stuff - the only problem I had was that after EVERY song they were telling you they had a gazillion songs and they were going to play 'EVERYTHING'. (Meanwhile I am thinking 'OK shut up and play it already') The format seems to be DJ-less and if it catches on it might just be a good thing. Only time will tell and I am sure Cleveland won't be jumping on this bandwagon anytime soon.


OK well still feeling blah (this is bad because wiritng usually makes me feel better) - so off to bed with myself.

A bientot kids.



Blogger rmacapobre said...

j'adore les beatles! if they happen to build a time machine in the future, the 60s would be the first time period i would like to witness personally :o)

9:19 PM  

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