Where my heart lies...

I had a really amazing experience tonight at a book store - again while perusing the 'Yoga' section - I ran into a young woman and we were both looking at books on the same shelf - she asked if she was in my way and I laughed and said I thought we were both going to be vying for the same books. She said she was looking for books on Kundalini Yoga and I said I was interested in that as well. It was like a flood gate opened and we had an amazing connection - she then found out I was a Yoga teacher and she just blossomed. I felt her heart open up to me and we began a conversation about 'real Yoga vs. 'fast food' Yoga; and people and their perceptions of spirituality and how difficult it is to teach and connect when so many people are trying to just get the 'Yoga body'. She was a gift and at the end of talking we actually hugged each other. What a great experience - to hug a total stranger in a book store over Yoga! I am looking forward to the information she will send me about local Kundalini classes. It never ceases to amaze me the moments of grace that come into our lives every day in such ordinary ways.

Interesting site - you did a great job!!!
'Thought & Humor'
Thanks guys....
Rodrigo - 'Nice SMALL experience'?????
What does that mean? I guess in reality all of our experiences are SMALL.
Thanks again for stopping by...visit again sometime.
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