Thursday, June 02, 2005

'It's Ok Ma, I'm only dyin...'


*cough, cough, hack, hack*

Yes indeedy – yours truly has now officially been diagnosed with bronchitis, and laryngitis. And while it’s quite cute sounding when I talk – even better when I laugh because I squeak...

I am miserable (read: I feel like absolute shit)

The problem with getting sick – especially with the nice weather is that – I am sick and the weather is finally nice.

The other problem is that when I went to the doctor (the day after Memorial day holiday – meaning I now won’t get paid for Memorial day), she could do abso-fuckin-lutely nothing for me. Why???? Because ‘it’s viral’. I was unable to see my ‘normal’ PCP – I had to settle for another doctor – and what she said made sense –

I am just really suffering here…..

If any of you have even had bronchitis perhaps you know how I am feeling. I am hacking up my lungs, I can’t breathe, my chest is tight, and I am now feeling pain every time my body coughs – because I am coughing with my entire body. All I want to do is sleep…but of course since I am coughing I can’t rest. I am not into taking medicine for shit like this – but I fear I may have to O/D on something akin to Nyquil and hot toddies (ugh).

I had to return to work today because the office is falling apart without me in here…good and bad. I need to be able to be sick if I have to. I would not wish how I feel right now on my worst enemy (uhm….well that’s not entirely true – I can think of some people I’d wish this on) – but that might be my delirium talking….

If this does not ‘right itself’ over the weekend – I am marching back into my ‘normal’ doctor’s office and demanding the wonder drug (antibiotic) or a shot – or euthanasia – just to put me out of everyone’s misery.



Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Colette,

I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly.

Having a hard pillow or a really big stuffed animal to hug against your chest when you cough helps by taking some of the strain off of your pectorals.

Do not get any anti-biotics. They will have zero effect on the cough and only end up giving you a yeast infection. (More fun.)

I swear my Nyquil or Alkaseltzer Cold Plus...

Both knock you out. And that's a good thing.

Be well soon.



8:04 PM  
Blogger Liam said...

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well sweetie...I know how horrible that can be. You remember when I had bronchitis, pneumonia, AND an allergic reaction to penicillin? I really did want to die.

Feel better! *GREAT BIG HUG*

7:23 AM  
Blogger rmacapobre said...

> laryngitis

hot green tea works for me .. but im sure you already know that .. get well ..

10:33 PM  

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