Wednesday, November 23, 2005 - Barkeep jailed for lethal tequila - Nov 23, 2005 - Barkeep jailed for lethal tequila - Nov 23, 2005

While I understand the brevity of what the bartender did (I mean 19 shots in 90 minutes!!!!!????????) - what about Mr. Nilsen's responsibility in all of this??? Was he that addle-brained that he did not realise doing such a thing might cause him (at the very least) brain damage??

Please tell me that the citizens of the world aren't going to start acting like Americans where they need to have their responsibilities for their own stupidities fall on anyone else EXCEPT them (like the bartenders/bars/restaurants/tobacco companies) - when are people going to realise it's up to them to 'just say no' to toxins (whether it be food or drugs or alcohol)???


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