Friday, November 18, 2005

Dancing amongst the stars...

I want to dance in the heavens with nothing but the stars as my partners...

I feel this way many winter mornings when it’s bitterly cold out and I get outside and look up and the stillness of the morning winter sky greets me with it’s cold, brilliant beauty I just want to meld with the universe...


I’ve spent the last 3 nights unable to breathe - seem to be having a bad head cold - so my head is mush...


This week was the start (the ‘true start) of my Yoga ‘season’ – rather late this year.

Tuesday night is the class I have at work where I am a ‘contractor’ (Yoga teacher) for our Center for Integrative Medicine. It was a wonderful class – we had 8 people – we were suppose to have 15 – with 8 people I end up making less money ($40/per hour vs. $75/per hour) but it’s still a good way to earn money. The class was appreciative – the room is nice (and heated) and we all had fun.

Wednesday night I also teach a class (on the ‘sly’ as it were) for some friends over in one of the other buildings – this is a class where I have cut my usual fee for teaching down to $5/per class – which is cheap – very cheap for a Yoga class. The first class we had there were 6 students and it was not so bad. Until the end of class when some of them refused to help put the room back together. You see when I go into these rooms to teach – I have to move the chairs out of the way (they are conference rooms) – I don’t like asking my students to help me put them back but I figure hey, they are getting a Yoga class at less than half the normal price – moving some chairs into place should not be that big of a deal, right? Man are people lazy!

This past Wednesday I had 3 people total in the class. One woman was from Italy – she's an older lady. We had some time alone so I asked her some questions – mainly if she had any physical problems/ailments I needed to be aware of – she said she had ‘pains’ after more prodding she told me she had fibromyalgia – so since I’ve had some experience teaching students with this I was not too concerned. Needless to say about halfway through the class she started experiencing very sharp pains and then nausea – she stopped the entire class (all two of my other students) – and said it just wasn’t ‘working for her’ I walked over to her and touched her shoulder and told her it was OK and I gave her back her money – she argued a bit but I insisted. Poor thing. She was miserable – I’ve never had a student do that before. So she left and the other 2 girls and I finished the class. When I asked for help to move the chairs back into place, they refused. Point blank. I was beyond words. I ended up staying and moving the chairs back myself...

The next day I wrote to the woman at whose insistence I was teaching these classes. I told her I was happy to be teaching but that I needed more than 2-3 students to a class and that I expected a little help putting to room back together (unless she could get the people from housekeeping services to help). She wrote me back late yesterday, letting me know she got a great response to her e-mail and more people would show and she her self would stay to help with the room. (I still plan on asking the others to help as well).

Last night was my final class at the condo where I teach an elderly class. At one point one of them cornered me about coming back – but I told him I was not sure if I would come back to teach. He asked me if I disliked elderly people – this shocked me a bit. No, I said I don’t dislike elderly people – he then said he did cause they were all a pain in the ass – we both kind of laughed and I told him that I needed to makes sure there was going to be a continued interest in the class before I returned to teach. So I spoke with him as well as the woman who helped set up the classes and it was agreed that I’d raise my price by $1/per class (I had been charging them $3/per class), and that we would have 5 sessions and people would have to pay their $20 up front – this seemed to make everyone happy and I will return to teach them the second week of January.

The situation with the Yoga studio seems to be moving forward I know Scott is working on getting us heat and we are going to meet about a marketing plan for 2006.

So all in all business wise the picture seems to be looking up and, since I don’t have a lot of extra time on my hands, so not having a love life isn’t all that bad after all.


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