Monday, February 20, 2006

T-shirt - uhm...contest?


I was talking to Liam and we were talking about how sometimes people just get involved in bad relationships - perhaps they just can't help themselves, perhaps they don't see it, perhaps they ARE that desperate...

We were thinking we should get a T-Shirt that reads:

"I wish I knew how to quit you."

You could give it to your friends with the (offending) loved one, pictured on the shirt and offer up a not-so-subtle hint...

We should have a contest, a t-shirt design contest for this one...

*evil grin*


*gasp* but wait....(see this blogging thing is really bad because I should have thought to check this out first...)

Looks like 'somebody's' already beat us too it, Liam, HERE, and
HERE (this one even offers a coffee mug)

however...neither has them with screen prints of the picture of the 'offending' party
so I think we'd be at least a little different



Blogger sid said...

just a follow up on this silly story...why am i fascinated by this? probably because i work in customer service, and i've seen it all, people are evil assholes!

8:24 PM  

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