Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The World Books

The World Books

Yesterday, as I drove home, as usual I listened to 'The World' on NPR

This time I was particularly fascinated by the 'book' critique segment call The Myth Series

I am a fan of author Karen Armstrong and would be quite interested to read her take on mythos in general - but I am more interested in trying to replace the books I lost (I AM going to post a list of those - not a 'wish list' - just a wish) - BEFORE I can start buying new books. Karen Armstrong's book is:

However, when it comes to my all-time favourite author Margaret Atwood, I WILL be going out to find this (since it is missing from my collection). This book sounds wonderful and she is the queen of taking a classic mythos story and putting her own brand of 'twist' to it making it at once mesmerizing and chilling:

I need to get serious once again about my reading - I could use the diversions these days.


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