Someone wants to use *ME* as THEIR Fodder
(Edit: Oh and hey, for the record, if you DO write to me I MAY use it as fodder for my blog - but then you all know that right?)
Hey kids,
Check out the e-mail I got:
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 19:09:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: "christopher i"
RE: Blog entry: Haunted by ghosts tonight...
Well, this is certainly an odd email but I hope you will oblige me.
Nearly two years ago, in your post "Haunted by ghosts tonight...", you said:
I spent a summer as a 'Carny' - very interesting stories there - it's for another post or when someone asks me to write about it...
I'm two years late but if you find the time, I'd love to read about your experiences that summer.
I'm doing research on Carnies for a possible screenplay, so any info you can share would be appreciated. Specifically, I'd like to know what the typical day was like, ie. preparation, formalities, how pay was distributed, living conditions, sleeping quarters...Daily routine kind of stuff. Any "interesting stories" would be great, too.
I've gathered quite a bit already, but one can never do too much research.
Thanks for your time,
This is what I wrote back:
Not to be rude or anything - but I am NOT your source for ideas about a screenplay on Carnies and if you ever DO use ANYTHING of mine I will expect a royalty check.
And just for the record - I only put that phrase out there to be polite, I don't usually oblige anyone but me when it comes to writing in MY blog.
My advice to you - is to either watch 'Carnivale' on HBO or go do a stint yourself - I find the ONLY way to usually write believably about things like this is to live them.
Best of luck
C -
First off - what a dolt! If he actually did READ my blog - he'd see I had just recently posted part II of 'My Carnivale Season: On the Road Again....'
So all of you need to be on the look-out for some 'hip, 'young', 'new' playwrite putting out ANYTHING about carnival life - cause I want *MY* piece of the pie.
Oh sure I could pretend to be flattered but as a writer you have to do your own work - you don't get hand outs. Sure we are all thieves, those of us who 'write' know that much. I don't count myself as a true 'writer', since other than this I am not published. However, I DO protect my own work and THIS (all of this that you read of MINE that I write in my little blog kingdom here) IS copyright protected - so as far a 'stealing' goes when it comes to someone making their fortune from MY writing - I am not down with that. Had he approached me a little differently, perhaps...but I don't appreciate being told to write about ANYTHING on this blog in order to help someone do research.
Hey kids,
Check out the e-mail I got:
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 19:09:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: "christopher i"
RE: Blog entry: Haunted by ghosts tonight...
Well, this is certainly an odd email but I hope you will oblige me.
Nearly two years ago, in your post "Haunted by ghosts tonight...", you said:
I spent a summer as a 'Carny' - very interesting stories there - it's for another post or when someone asks me to write about it...
I'm two years late but if you find the time, I'd love to read about your experiences that summer.
I'm doing research on Carnies for a possible screenplay, so any info you can share would be appreciated. Specifically, I'd like to know what the typical day was like, ie. preparation, formalities, how pay was distributed, living conditions, sleeping quarters...Daily routine kind of stuff. Any "interesting stories" would be great, too.
I've gathered quite a bit already, but one can never do too much research.
Thanks for your time,
This is what I wrote back:
Not to be rude or anything - but I am NOT your source for ideas about a screenplay on Carnies and if you ever DO use ANYTHING of mine I will expect a royalty check.
And just for the record - I only put that phrase out there to be polite, I don't usually oblige anyone but me when it comes to writing in MY blog.
My advice to you - is to either watch 'Carnivale' on HBO or go do a stint yourself - I find the ONLY way to usually write believably about things like this is to live them.
Best of luck
C -
First off - what a dolt! If he actually did READ my blog - he'd see I had just recently posted part II of 'My Carnivale Season: On the Road Again....'
So all of you need to be on the look-out for some 'hip, 'young', 'new' playwrite putting out ANYTHING about carnival life - cause I want *MY* piece of the pie.
Oh sure I could pretend to be flattered but as a writer you have to do your own work - you don't get hand outs. Sure we are all thieves, those of us who 'write' know that much. I don't count myself as a true 'writer', since other than this I am not published. However, I DO protect my own work and THIS (all of this that you read of MINE that I write in my little blog kingdom here) IS copyright protected - so as far a 'stealing' goes when it comes to someone making their fortune from MY writing - I am not down with that. Had he approached me a little differently, perhaps...but I don't appreciate being told to write about ANYTHING on this blog in order to help someone do research.
A screenplay about Carnies?
I was approached by the Ministry of African Affaires and they said I had been chosen (at random) to inherit a large sum of money and all I need do to collect was offer the widow of a former king my checking account info and credit card details and I would have 13 million greenbacks deposited into my account the following business day. I was very excited and thought to myself, "Gee! I am one lucky son of a bitcj! Whooooo Weeeee!
Now I can finally afford to write that amazing screenplay based on the FFA and their breeding habits! But first I am finishing up my screen play about a talking ferris wheel that roams around from town to town and invites little children and adults to skip the light fantastic on its varying appendages! Can you help me out, Colette? I know you've ridden on a ferris wheel before and would like you to write the first 200 pages for me! It will be around 625 pages! A real Epic! :>)
What do you say? Your name will go on the inside cover... Huh? Come on...I know you're tempted by this incredible offer!
The above gentleman seems a very funny person.
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