Monday, September 25, 2006

Frustration and fun, co-mingling

Let’s begin with the frustration shall we – so we can end up with the ‘fun’.

First off today I am draggin’ my ass…just kind of beat – I should get a second wind in time for yoga…I had better.

So I come in today and open my e-mail and there is a note from my ex-mother-in-law. Now, she and I have stayed somewhat cordial – don’t ask me why but we have. So in this e-mail (BTW I had written her with a question about supplements and strengthening my immune system)….

So she had a legit reason to write me back – but at the end of her e-mail she asks me if there’s any chance I will get back together with her son. Um WTF??? I wrote her at length honestly and told her at one point in the past I WOULD have considered reconciliation but that now I was dating and furthermore, I was honest with her son about me dating (not that I owe him one single, solitary explanation – well considering WHO I am dating, perhaps so…) AND on top of all of this bullshit – this guy could not even cop to his parent that we were divorced?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? I meant WTF??????

I went on to say that I was tired of waiting for her son to come around and do what was needed TO get better etc. I was not mean I was kind – but I was firm. I have a sneaking suspicion he was somehow involved in this – so what now, guys are asking their moms to write to their ex’s to see if they can con them into getting back together????

WTF????? To the nth degree already….

Now to the fun…

There’s a group of girls I know through C2 that are just an absolute riot. Every week one of them finds something funny to send via e-mail and invariably, we all begin talking about things that have something to do with the e-mail or get on another tangent completely. These exchanges are typically hysterical…today’s had me laughing out loud and almost crying with the laughter (of course as an aside it does not help that I am already pretty giggly both from being on a high from being in love and from being tired)…still fun is fun…


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