Bare Naked Ladies
Because they rock. The band did too….love those boys from Canada.
This past week has been spent with Erin. I am once again back with my head in the clouds….mainly because again I am somewhat amazed by the way we get along – spending time together, working together, playing together, loving on another. If this is any indication of how life would be with him I am going to be a very content and happy woman. We stay true to ourselves and seem to be able to relax with one another. We are still learning about each other. I know technically it’s still early in this relationship – but instead of pulling apart or drifting away from each other, we seem to be growing closer, in some ways it’s frightening.
Friday night we went and shopped a bit. – he had to replace his cell phone and wanted one that did not have all the bells and whistles per se (you know no Swiss army knife attachments, no microwave to cook your dinner)…I dragged him to the mall to find a corset for me (yeah I had to put that in there – we all know how things are these days. (LOL)). Back then to his place to relax and well……’play’ together *blushes furiously* .
Saturday for once we did not have to get up early – we did however *blushes even more furiously* (I got one word here ‘AMAZING’)…
After that we worked on his ‘storage’ room in the basement I helped him get things organized and again I want to mention how well we seem to be able to work together – not to mention be able to not get in each other’s way or irritate each other…perhaps with time this will change but I don’t think so…
I went home to clean and do laundry (seems to be a theme when I go home these days). He went to watch his son play indoor soccer. We met back up at this place in order to go to a concert to see the Bare Naked Ladies (this was thanks to Sid who offered us the tickets he won and was kind enough to offer to Erin and myself). The concert as great. Mike Doughty and his band were the opening act and then one of my favourite bands took the stage. Bare Naked Ladies are wonderfully refreshing, incredibly intelligent and wonderfully humourous – you can take your kids to their shows and yet have a blast yourself – there are a thinking person’s band and they were tight, As usual, lead singer, Steve’s voice was incredible, soaring out over the crowd, giving me chills. It was a sing-a-long sort of concert, all that was lacking was a campfire.
After the concert, we went to Erich’s for his Halloween (no costume) party. It was nice, quiet – but good to see everyone. Unfortunately we missed seeing my evil twin, C2 – hopefully, Erin will get to meet her soon…
We headed home – Erin has to teach PSR class on Sundays. We got home to find that his cat, ‘Princess’ having a gaping wound in her back that seemed to appeared out of nowhere. We spent some time looking around the house to see if we could find out how she had hurt herself but could not find anything out of place or toppled over….in the end he found a 24HR emergency vet to take her to and we boxed her up and headed to the vet – it was like 2AM when we got back – of course it was 1AM cause we turned the clocks back.
The next morning, I had a chance to see him teach his PSR class. He tag-team teaches this class with a good friend, Beth – she is a doll and I had to chuckle at the fact she kept introducing me as Erin’s girlfriend – she was very sweet. The kids were a lot of fun, adorable, and it was nice to see him teach. I love this man and I love him BECAUSE of who he is – a wonderful human being in so many different ways.
*sigh of happiness*
We went to lunch afterwards and spent time talking - I’ve never wanted to talk to anyone the way I talk to Erin, and there is so much more to discuss yet to come – so many worlds to discover together….it all sounds so faerie tale:
'The time has come…
To talk of many things:
Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax --
Of cabbages -- and kings --
And why the sea is boiling hot --
And whether pigs have wings …”
(so what if it DOES sound that way, get over yourselves).
I left him to do some work – went to do more stuff at my house – found a costume for Halloween (OK, so it’s going to be a bit uninspired but I did not have time to put together anything else this year, besides, going trick-or-treating with children is different than going to an adult party). Showed up later to watch a move and have popcorn for dinner (he makes incredible popcorn) and we watched the movie ‘Underworld’ (which was not a surprise in the way of content (I had heard a lot about this film but had not seen it in the theatres.) I enjoyed it mainly because I think the people were good ‘eye candy’ and IO want to grow up to be Kate Beckinsale – or at the very least have her wardrobe (cause I look good in that sort of thing).
Went to sleep – slept fitfully – I fear I am keeping him awake at times and I feel horrid about doing that – the last thing I want to do is keep him from getting his much-needed rest.
I love going to bed with him, I love knowing he is beside me, I love waking up with him. I love the feeling(s) I have when I get to spend time with him and the way he lingers with me when we are apart.
I have just finished reading ‘The Namesake’ – yes I’ve been busy so my reading has been a bit lesser these days – and no, it’s not ALL because of Erin thanks ever so much...
At any rate I was disappointed in the ending – neither here nor there – it’s still beautifully written. The pivotal character gets married and his marriage seems to be failing but quietly – no fireworks – just fading away…he asks himself the things he wants to ask his wife as he notices they are no longer close: “Are you happy you married me?” - I read this passage to Erin – perhaps I should not have. Is that the trap – asking ourselves these questions? Are we really responsible for each other’s happiness? (Am I my brother’s sisters/spouse’s keeper?) – I have never felt my happiness should be dependent upon another human being….in fact it never has – if it had I’d have committed suicide long ago…yes I want to make sure he IS happy with me – I write so much about all of this – how happy I am – how much I love him….and yes I DO hope he feels the same – and I am positive he does – or I am sure he’d have stopped seeing me by now. No, it’s not doubt that ‘niggles’/nests within – it’s WANTING him to be happy – I know full well he is capable enough to be happy on his own and perhaps BECAUSE I was with a person who did not love/like himself and was, for the most part, miserable – it became too annoying to me – not that I did not CARE about my ex’s happiness, but that I got tired of him wallowing constantly in his own mire/misery and felt it was HE that needed to make himself happy. I should stop rambling here – but maybe that’s what I am trying to say – maybe it’s easier to give your heart to someone, and to be fully in love with a person, and want to give as much as possible to a person who IS more positive, hopeful and loving themselves. In essence, we become each other’s mirrors...
This past week has been spent with Erin. I am once again back with my head in the clouds….mainly because again I am somewhat amazed by the way we get along – spending time together, working together, playing together, loving on another. If this is any indication of how life would be with him I am going to be a very content and happy woman. We stay true to ourselves and seem to be able to relax with one another. We are still learning about each other. I know technically it’s still early in this relationship – but instead of pulling apart or drifting away from each other, we seem to be growing closer, in some ways it’s frightening.
Friday night we went and shopped a bit. – he had to replace his cell phone and wanted one that did not have all the bells and whistles per se (you know no Swiss army knife attachments, no microwave to cook your dinner)…I dragged him to the mall to find a corset for me (yeah I had to put that in there – we all know how things are these days. (LOL)). Back then to his place to relax and well……’play’ together *blushes furiously* .
Saturday for once we did not have to get up early – we did however *blushes even more furiously* (I got one word here ‘AMAZING’)…
After that we worked on his ‘storage’ room in the basement I helped him get things organized and again I want to mention how well we seem to be able to work together – not to mention be able to not get in each other’s way or irritate each other…perhaps with time this will change but I don’t think so…
I went home to clean and do laundry (seems to be a theme when I go home these days). He went to watch his son play indoor soccer. We met back up at this place in order to go to a concert to see the Bare Naked Ladies (this was thanks to Sid who offered us the tickets he won and was kind enough to offer to Erin and myself). The concert as great. Mike Doughty and his band were the opening act and then one of my favourite bands took the stage. Bare Naked Ladies are wonderfully refreshing, incredibly intelligent and wonderfully humourous – you can take your kids to their shows and yet have a blast yourself – there are a thinking person’s band and they were tight, As usual, lead singer, Steve’s voice was incredible, soaring out over the crowd, giving me chills. It was a sing-a-long sort of concert, all that was lacking was a campfire.
After the concert, we went to Erich’s for his Halloween (no costume) party. It was nice, quiet – but good to see everyone. Unfortunately we missed seeing my evil twin, C2 – hopefully, Erin will get to meet her soon…
We headed home – Erin has to teach PSR class on Sundays. We got home to find that his cat, ‘Princess’ having a gaping wound in her back that seemed to appeared out of nowhere. We spent some time looking around the house to see if we could find out how she had hurt herself but could not find anything out of place or toppled over….in the end he found a 24HR emergency vet to take her to and we boxed her up and headed to the vet – it was like 2AM when we got back – of course it was 1AM cause we turned the clocks back.
The next morning, I had a chance to see him teach his PSR class. He tag-team teaches this class with a good friend, Beth – she is a doll and I had to chuckle at the fact she kept introducing me as Erin’s girlfriend – she was very sweet. The kids were a lot of fun, adorable, and it was nice to see him teach. I love this man and I love him BECAUSE of who he is – a wonderful human being in so many different ways.
*sigh of happiness*
We went to lunch afterwards and spent time talking - I’ve never wanted to talk to anyone the way I talk to Erin, and there is so much more to discuss yet to come – so many worlds to discover together….it all sounds so faerie tale:
'The time has come…
To talk of many things:
Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax --
Of cabbages -- and kings --
And why the sea is boiling hot --
And whether pigs have wings …”
(so what if it DOES sound that way, get over yourselves).
I left him to do some work – went to do more stuff at my house – found a costume for Halloween (OK, so it’s going to be a bit uninspired but I did not have time to put together anything else this year, besides, going trick-or-treating with children is different than going to an adult party). Showed up later to watch a move and have popcorn for dinner (he makes incredible popcorn) and we watched the movie ‘Underworld’ (which was not a surprise in the way of content (I had heard a lot about this film but had not seen it in the theatres.) I enjoyed it mainly because I think the people were good ‘eye candy’ and IO want to grow up to be Kate Beckinsale – or at the very least have her wardrobe (cause I look good in that sort of thing).
Went to sleep – slept fitfully – I fear I am keeping him awake at times and I feel horrid about doing that – the last thing I want to do is keep him from getting his much-needed rest.
I love going to bed with him, I love knowing he is beside me, I love waking up with him. I love the feeling(s) I have when I get to spend time with him and the way he lingers with me when we are apart.
I have just finished reading ‘The Namesake’ – yes I’ve been busy so my reading has been a bit lesser these days – and no, it’s not ALL because of Erin thanks ever so much...
At any rate I was disappointed in the ending – neither here nor there – it’s still beautifully written. The pivotal character gets married and his marriage seems to be failing but quietly – no fireworks – just fading away…he asks himself the things he wants to ask his wife as he notices they are no longer close: “Are you happy you married me?” - I read this passage to Erin – perhaps I should not have. Is that the trap – asking ourselves these questions? Are we really responsible for each other’s happiness? (Am I my brother’s sisters/spouse’s keeper?) – I have never felt my happiness should be dependent upon another human being….in fact it never has – if it had I’d have committed suicide long ago…yes I want to make sure he IS happy with me – I write so much about all of this – how happy I am – how much I love him….and yes I DO hope he feels the same – and I am positive he does – or I am sure he’d have stopped seeing me by now. No, it’s not doubt that ‘niggles’/nests within – it’s WANTING him to be happy – I know full well he is capable enough to be happy on his own and perhaps BECAUSE I was with a person who did not love/like himself and was, for the most part, miserable – it became too annoying to me – not that I did not CARE about my ex’s happiness, but that I got tired of him wallowing constantly in his own mire/misery and felt it was HE that needed to make himself happy. I should stop rambling here – but maybe that’s what I am trying to say – maybe it’s easier to give your heart to someone, and to be fully in love with a person, and want to give as much as possible to a person who IS more positive, hopeful and loving themselves. In essence, we become each other’s mirrors...
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