Monday, November 06, 2006


Driving through the 'park' on my way home from work, I can't help but notice how the leaves seem to cling desperately to the trees....fighting against falling finally to the ground. The world will 'slumber' then until it's time to re-awaken in the spring.

I am reminded once again of decay. Of how things change, sometimes so slowly you don't even notice; Sometimes, seemingly overnight. For some reason I am feeling melancholy and distraught. Like something important is happening/going to happen and I need to be sitting up and paying attention. Life and change can be ever so subtle at times - just when you think you are safe, or you can breathe, the wind comes around to knock your leaves to the ground.

There are firsts here. The first time in the season when you can actually smell winter - the clean-washed smell of white snow on the air. The first time you realise it's dark where it used to be light. I feel the encroaching darkness and it seeps inside of me - I begin to wonder if I will make it though yet another harsh season to the other side and the promise of new life.

I am left wondering what I should be doing to 'prepare' - should I cling to what's left, or hibernate and leave behind that which seems to be be slowly dying anyway. The trees, flaunting their last bit of golden brilliance seem to taunt me but offer up no answers....

Maybe there just aren't any...


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