Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Birthday DOCG!

(Another re-post - and this week marks the 3rd anniversary of this crazy 'journal' of mine - yeah Bonne Anniversaire Colette)


Happy Anniversary to Me!

Well actually to my blog....

This week marks the 2nd anniversary of my blog 'Dancing on Colette's Grave' - it was on this week two years ago as my marriage finally rang it's death knell and I began what was to be my first holiday season alone - that I decided I needed to document the pain of what I was going through (and everything in between). I want to thank all the people who have read this 'story' over time and I hope you will continue to read about me as I continue to find out more about you and all those others yet to come.

'What a long, strange trip it's been'....indeed!

From that time I am going to re-post one of the more telling entries - when I read this one it still bring the sting of tears to my eyes...


Leaving my home

I have stepped outside to bring boxes holding my belongings to my car. I wish I could stuff my heart into one of the boxes and just leave it for a while...I am heavy, sad, tired and frightened.

I can smell cookies baking - they smell like anise and it takes me back to my childhood for a moment and memories of my mother...Her husband (my father) cheated on her - how did she deal with all of this I wonder? I remember her devastation and her sadness - I remember her crying herself to sleep at night, missing my dad. I ache to have her hold me and stoke my hair the way she used to and tell me it will all be ok...

I put my boxes in my car and go into the house to pack up the rest of my life.


Blogger Di said...

Congrats on your Anniversary!!! You've been a great read and an inspiration!! Here's to many more years of sharing!!

1:54 PM  

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