Thursday, January 11, 2007



I am FUCKING furious.

OK so I have a lack of sleep going on…I am not feeling my best. I have not worked out and I am having Erin withdrawal…whatever. This does not mean my anger is unwarranted here...

On my way into work today, I am driving along minding my own business when suddenly the man driving the truck in front of me felt it necessary to pitch his lit fucking cigarette out the window – it hit my window and had my window been open just a tiny crack, the glowing ember would have hit me right in the face. (For the record, sometimes, when I am tired I have my window open a crack to let in fresh air).


I've complained about this before....and don't even go to the place where I am trying to persecute smokers - how would you feel if you saw somebody dump a bag of garbage on the freeway - what if it caused you to have an accident? Wouldn't you want to kill that jerk - well being hit in the face with a hot ember is worse, NO???

How dare you people who do this, do this! Who the fuck do you think you are???? What gives you the right to throw your trash out the fucking window – and yes your LIT cigarette butt qualifies as trash. YOU MOTERFUCKING STUPID LAZY ASSHOLES! USE YOUR FUCKING ASHTRAYS!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Thomas said...

I saw Erin's pic, Colette. That boy is dead sexy!!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't sugar coat it sweetheart - tell us how you really feel!

I got a great laugh from this post as I have had the same thoughts. I am by no means a "smoke Nazi" but you would think with all of the negative PR surrounding smokers these days that they would make an attempt to become less of a target.

6:53 AM  

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