Monday, December 03, 2007

The weekend was.... a word, perfect.

{Note to Derrick: 5 times - is that enough? (are we in a competition now? If so I thin Erin and I win hands down but then I am biased.[*winks*])}

Seriously though. I love being with Erin - I love our life together. I love that we are in love with each other.

Friday was nice being back with the kids again. Saturday was spent cleaning and cooking and going to my family's 'Italian nite' which was wonderful - except I was beat near the end of the evening. [Note to C2: we are sorry we did not make the party but the timing just did not work out (we were in fact invited to ANOTHER party as well and would have liked to have gone to that....but yeah....timing.)]

We got a lot done on Saturday....

Sunday we went to mass, did some shopping and then came home and vegged out by watching movies.

The first one was:

It IS smart and sexy - and well I would certainly like to 'replay' the one scene in the film with Erin (I will leave you all guessing) (Note to Erin: the movie made me feel invigorated too - like doing things - especially together - not necessarily involving becoming assassins....LOL)- and as far as anything else - I want Angelina's Jolie's outfits from the movie (yes even the dominatrix one - please Santa, pretty please - I'll be a naughty girl (LOL)).

The second movie:

This film is base on Wim Wender's 'Wings of Desire' which I always felt was the better movie, however, 'City of Angels' is more cohesive. And yes my love I'd fall for you as well (I too already have it would seem...) and as Seth put it in the movie in his answer to Casiell: "I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it." - I feel the exact same way about you - but then I told you that last night...

Anyhow I know most of you are probably sick of the mushy stuff by now (I for one never tire of this).

Send me your good thoughts and keep me in your prayers - I could use an angel right about now....

Bright Blessings to you and yours...


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