Saturday, March 08, 2008

WTF? (Part 1,234,567)

What. The. Fuck.

OK so here in Cleveburg we find out there is a winter storm a coming....fine. I am assuming that the people at ODOT get the same news/weather that we do unless there is some kind of news/weather blackout for them.....

So how come when they have literally all night and all day BEFORE the fucking storm hits full force, are the roads not even touched??? No salt/de-icer, no plowing, nothing. It was rush hour traffic yesterday; actually people were leaving work early because they were all so freaked out about the storm - not a single crew on the road. Despite this - things seemed to be going well on the road (or at least on the stretch of road I was travelling down); everyone was taking their time when suddenly, the road crews descended - THEY HAD BEEN SITTING ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD - (Waiting for what? The Bat Signal?) - they then decide to MERGE with traffic and suddenly we were all reduced to going 5 miles per hour - a trip that normally takes me 25-35 minutes took me two hours....

This is a constant complaint amongst the people of Cleveburg that I speak to who have to drive - where the hell are the crews when they know this is coming? Why aren't the major interstates passable? Is there some special doughnut shop where they and the city police all hang out while crime runs rampant and storms do their worst?


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Blogger Liam said...

36 hours after the storm ended, my street has still not even been plowed. I got my driveway cleaned out yesterday (after 3 hours of shoveling!)

I can certainly relate!

9:50 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

It took me like 45-50 minuets to get home from work from Downtown Akron to my house which should only take 15-18 min lol I feel for ya!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Ken Summers said...

You've lived here how long and still wonder why Cleveland is a total trainwreck? LOL

Simple: nothing ever changes. Stupidity reigns supreme as the universal law of northeastern Ohio!

Aah, Cleveland. A city where history is demolished and ignored, segregation is still extremely high, preparing for storms is "no biggie", and corruption is still rampant in the police department. What a town!

Remind me again why "Cleveland rocks"??

8:51 AM  

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