Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blowing a gasket

This brilliant piece of advice was listed as a way to 'prevent' tantrums:

"Use distraction. It's amazing how well this can work, if you do it at the first sign of trouble. Before your child gets really upset about not being able to play with a particular toy, swoop in with a different one and make a big deal out of it ("Wow, look at this truck! It makes noises and everything!"). Quickly suggest playing on the slide when someone gets to the last swing before you. Sometimes doing something really unexpected, such as breaking into song, or doing the Chicken Dance, does the trick. Take advantage of your child's short attention span."

Um...OK, let me get this straight - we have an entire country who suffers (apparently) from ADD & ADHD - so as a way to get tantrums to stop we are going to encourage that which plagues us and causes problems in the long run for the kid AND adults.

Yep - makes perfect sense to me....

People are fucking assholes.

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

How do you prevent yourself from getting to the extreme ranting stage?

1:48 PM  
Blogger Colleen Garlock said...

*I* do not go to stores and throw tantrums - I was commenting on what kids do and how we are seemingly planting the seeds of ADD at an early age.

When I was young, I would have been spanked or severly disciplined for acting out. With MY children my pediatrician told me to remove them from the situation - worked for me. I gave them 3 warnings first. Time outs worked too. So did groundings if they were older.

I don't believe we need to distract people from their anger. I DO indeed get angry but I don't yell in public, I don't bang my head against walls, I don't do anything that is remotely violent - I may raise my voice. And if I find myself getting that angry I usually walk away. You may consider that a distraction but I don't, because I don't stop reflecting on what is going on - I give myself a time out - I don't go look at shiny objects, toys or books...I try to cool down and think clearly. Sure it does not always work - but then I am only a human. My ex used to throw tantrums all the time when he did not get his way - that was loads of fun...I am not sure why his parent didn't beat the hell out of him as a child.

I believe the problem is that we don't give people the tools they need to actually deal with anger sucessfully - we expect people to NOT have anger and that just ain't happening. We need to teach people how to control their emotions and not let their emotions control them and I do indeed realise I am not perfect when it comes to this either - but I try....

7:38 AM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

I would never ever hand my child a toy or a book or a shiny object so to distract him from anger and or a fit.. for 1 hes bound to use it.. and for 2. how does that show them how to deal in the real world? Soo many parents dance around their kids, they try to shield them from anything perceived as "bad". well ya know what? that kid is in for one rude awakening. People are not nice, life is not nice. We dont all live in pleasentville.. Life is harsh, People are critical and abusive.. and we live in a rotten, decaying ugly world.. with a beautiful scenery..
We need to teach our children to tough it up, or else they will be stepped on, we need to teach them to pay attention or else their gunna lose what free will they have, and we need to teach them that sometimes, just sometimes not everything i what it might appear to be!

my 2 cents ;)

9:45 PM  

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