Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blogging in a time of Twitter and Facebook

(Otherwise the title of this should be: 'The demise of the intellect of Americans' OR 'Dumbing Down...well just about everything')....

So again - on blogging...

Do we simply not have time to read anymore? Are we seriously that busy? Have we completely forgotten the reason we all started blogging in the first place?

In cleaning up my blog I was shocked and dismayed to find many of the blogs I used to link to have simply disappeared. Sure, maybe those people don't have time anymore to sit in front of a computer and write...and hopefully all of those reasons are linked to happier/fuller lives. Yet again, it seems our lives consist of sound bites, and 140 characters and playing games on a social networking site involving things like 'flair' etc. Call me old-fashioned - but um...where's the beef?

Sure, there have always been ways to mindlessly kill time on the Internet - yet have we killed our minds as well?

And I am not asking you to read Tolstoy (who?), or to read scintillating blogs, although I would not complain if you did either...let's just say I'd be REALLY surprised if you did.

So I have some questions:

What ARE you reading, America?

What's your favorite blog (and you get points if you answer "Dancing On Colette's Grave')? (^_^)

Just curious....

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Perhaps you and Guy Montag (Fahrenheit 451) are kindred spirits. In his world famous and/or popular stories are reduced to shadowy specters of their original versions. Whole novels become 5 minute sound-bites, 4-walled televisions dominate the home, and society is left to sate hedonistic behaviors while leaving any sense of critical thought on the doorstep (or in a fireplace as the case may be).

I'm right there with you M'Love

11:13 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

You didn't answer the questions....

4:23 PM  

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