Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where Have the Good Men Gone?

Well I can tell you where at least one of them is lurking ;)

I married him. I promise a better post soon - about life, love, marriage and work.

In the meantime - interesting reading.

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

All the good men haven't gone anywhere, they're just mostly accounted for, and as the article suggests, society isn't churning them out. I see the problem as women aren't looking for a good man like they used, and when they get around to doing so, the men just can't suddenly transform into "good men", it's a process.

I think there is also a learning process for men that has been lost in the last 20-30 years, e.g. Boy Scouts, and building up to some rite of passage has been lost. Even simple things at school like "Rifle Club" are gone and as a society, other endeavors like chess club are no longer popular, so once again, when does a boy practice becoming a man?

I don't have any answers to the dillema. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the next 100 years (not that I
ll be alive that long). How far will men regress?

11:13 PM  

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