Just much going on....trying to focus...getting nowhere.
I need to finish writing my story and then try to put something akin to a novel together.
I need to find a class to teach/a class to take....but I don't know how I am suppose to pay for school.
I have been teaching PSR and I want to reach the kids and make them think about their faith, their choices, think just in general but I swear each year it gets harder. And yeah little boy Karma works...just not in the way you think it does and can you parents out there please stop filling your kids heads with half-baked/half-assed ideas when you can't properly explain them or their meanings to your kids. Thanks. Oh and by the way, my time is valuable, just as valuable as yours - get your kids to class on time.
The whole body politic is so totally over-rated in this country. I gotta ask WTF good is it doing to point fingers at one another and blame everyone else for the problems. How about sitting down and working TOGETHER for a solution. What this country needs is another revolution and I don't mean at the hands of the idiots in the so-called Tea Party.
I want to leave, I want to move far, far away but I have obligations and now more to come. Sometimes I think I am going to be too old and too tired by the time I get the chance to really go...
I need to finish writing my story and then try to put something akin to a novel together.
I need to find a class to teach/a class to take....but I don't know how I am suppose to pay for school.
I have been teaching PSR and I want to reach the kids and make them think about their faith, their choices, think just in general but I swear each year it gets harder. And yeah little boy Karma works...just not in the way you think it does and can you parents out there please stop filling your kids heads with half-baked/half-assed ideas when you can't properly explain them or their meanings to your kids. Thanks. Oh and by the way, my time is valuable, just as valuable as yours - get your kids to class on time.
The whole body politic is so totally over-rated in this country. I gotta ask WTF good is it doing to point fingers at one another and blame everyone else for the problems. How about sitting down and working TOGETHER for a solution. What this country needs is another revolution and I don't mean at the hands of the idiots in the so-called Tea Party.
I want to leave, I want to move far, far away but I have obligations and now more to come. Sometimes I think I am going to be too old and too tired by the time I get the chance to really go...
Unfortunately, many parents out there are filling their kids' heads with half baked ideas about on just about every topic. I wonder how many of them have fully-baked notions about their own Catholic faith. You'd think that with all the teachings in the Bible on responsibility the parents could show up on time.
As for your own classes, find something and sign up. We'll figure out together how to pay for it. I know you don't want to be a burden, but I will gladly help you pay for classes. Your sanity is more than worth the cost. As I am fond of saying, I love you Colleen.
I am one of the "idiots" in the Tea Party. Why is it liberals feel name calling is OK for them? The Tea Party members have constantly been accused of all sorts of racism, trashing property, violence. In flaming liberal Portland, Oregon, we were not any of those things.
The Illegal Occupier Flea Party, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly violent, dirty, defecating whereever, dumping trash for others to pick up, permitless, lawless, illegal campers, the great unwashed. And for what? To protst Wall Street who create jobs? Piss them off and more will move overseas.
Dear Greagrandmasue...
First of all - yes, I feel the people in that party for the most part are idiots - but there is something weighing the scales down further in the Tea Party - and perhaps it's just the people that have been chosen to 'represent' as it were....I calls them likes I sees them and so do the people from the Tea Party who felt the need to point fingers from the outset and call other people names...and FYI - it not merely the Liberals who think that the Tea Partiers are idiots....we just say it a bit louder I suppose :)
Do you have a blog of your own? I see that you do...but you barely post there - do you simply troll because you have nothing else to do?
Feel free to use your own forum to take us liberals or people ridden with Fleas to task.
Oh and one last thing GrandmaSue...
Wall Street now creates jobs??? Since friggin' when?
The banks and greed of wall street are directly responsible for a lot of what is going on in our economy...not all of it but a lot of it - and if you think these piddly protests are something to fear just wait until more and more people get fed up and there is blood in the streets. That being said you want us to worry that we might just piss off wall street causing them to send more jobs overseas?? REALLY? I *need* to live in fear of the big guys on on wall street now? Is that what you think is OK, pandering fear? Keeping our mouths shut and just doing what we are told instead of speaking out and making those people squirm? I don't think so. This county (and as a Tea Party person you should know this) was built on us rebelling and protesting and as long as I have breath in my body, when I see injustice and greed winning over what should be happening you bet your arse I am going to speak up without fear. I agree with the people protesting on Wall Street and elsewhere in the world. The banks and insurance companies and other greed mongers should have never been bailed out. Never. Let them fail. And if this country stumbles because we were all too busy watching reality TV and stuffing our faces, so be it.
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