Thursday, December 02, 2004

U.S. networks reject church gay ad - U.S. networks reject church gay ad - Dec 1, 2004

Part of me is simply too upset to comment on this right now. I will find the time and the right 'voice' to comment when I get my thoughts together.

But let me at least say this: The God *I* believe in is NOT exclusive, (nor is he short on cash, as Mr. Bono of U2 fame would say). I believe a lot of things (in my own heart and mind that is) - about my 'faith' - one of the foremost 'opinions' I have about how a model for a 'Christian' ethic/movement SHOULD work is that it operates using tolerance, love, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness, charity- you know being a 'Good' Christian. There should never be judgemental behaviours, cruelty, intolerance, ignorance, out and out hate...

But then again does GOD really need an ad campaign?

More to come....


Blogger Liam said...

Reading this story reminded me of something I had forgotten. Just how cool the UCC Church is. They are the only open and affirming religion I know of. It's made me want to look into them again. I flirted with the idea and went to a few services almost ten years ago. Perhaps it's time to revisit this idea.

2:38 PM  

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