Sunday, January 23, 2005

Serenity in phases

Serenity Phase II Posted by Hello

I love where I live.....

Oh sure it could be a nicer house,
cheaper rent etc.
But, the views I get to see,
from my deck of the
sunsets and the
moon rises are a balm
for my weary soul.

It's a bitterly cold evening and
I feel compelled to go out to see
the sunset and the perfect sphere
of the moon - getting brighter
in the dark velvet of the
sky, as the sun finally sets.

The moon is indeed
a harsh mistress, yet,
I can feel the tranquility
in the cold, the silence,
the beauty of a winter's evening.


Blogger Bryan said...

Very nice

1:17 AM  
Blogger rmacapobre said...

funny last night, the moon looked eerie. it was full surrounded with clouds and then i just have to take a shot at it. ill send you a copy over email. and then this morning, i see youve beaten me to it ^_^ ..

ill send you an image anyway .. its very nice ..

6:43 PM  

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