Just the blurb, ma'am
OK so I could not resist this...(see link above)
What a little twit/git...
And of course now he is probably going to be made to visit Auschwitz and to that I say 'Bully' - good for him. Besides, if the Royal family is planning on visiting and they drag Harry along perhaps they can make a family outing of it eh? (Sorry, I don't mean to be so irreverent).
What kills me though is I heard a Holocaust survivor say something like, "Well young people today just don't know anything about the Holocaust so how can we expect them to know it's wrong to do what Harry did?"
Huh?!?!?!?!? Excuse me - I will have you know that my 16 year-old son does INDEED KNOW what the Holocaust was and begs me to take him to see the Holocaust museum. Now grant it, he is fascinated with that time period, but he is well aware all the same, so I find it appalling to think that a young man of that ilk such as Prince Harry would NOT KNOW about such things...and certainly he should have KNOWN BETTER.
And now for some totally unrelated blurbs/observations...
Dentists Suck!
Yesterday one of my teeth literally cracked - Goddess the pain! At any rate I went to have an emergency dental visit and I now have sticker shock. It turns out he could not help me anyways (because I have to go to an Endodontist) however, I am going to have to have work done amounting to $1,000.00 and it also turns out that I have the same thing going on on the other side of my mouth and will have to have similar work done on another tooth again to the tune of $1,000.00. I really don't have $2,000.00 just sitting around to pay for this and so of course I am hurting, frustrated, upset, you name it and I NEED this done - there's no way around it - the work has to be done.
In talking to my son about his he absorbed it all and kept saying, "Wow mom I am sorry to hear that, that sucks", love that kid. About an hour later he comes up to me and says, "Well if it will make you feel any better, dentists have the highest suicide rate", I said "Really? Why is that", he says, "because everyone hates them".....
Out of the mouths of babes...
EDIT: After going in for a second opinion yesterday, I have now found out that this is going to cost me thousands of dollars (it could be between $3,000.00 and $5,000.00 - SERIOUSLY).
One last little blurb. I heard this briefly last night as I was getting ready for bed - it was on the news. Apparently some parents at some high-school somewhere here in the US of A (sorry to be so vague but I was in pain and in and out of the room), are up in arms because of some of the 'jobs' listed for the high-school students for 'Career Day'. Two of the 'jobs' listed were 'Exotic Dancer' and 'Stripper'.
Now I seem to remember hearing co-ed stories from the past saying that that's how they paid for college etc. Furthermore, how exactly do these people expect Playboy/Penthouse/Hustler to find their models???? They have to be SOMEBODY'S daughters don't they????
I say if little Brenda-Sue wants to take her clothes off for money and let the drunken idiots in those clubs pay for it - more power to her...
You go girl!
EDIT: cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/01/14/students.stripping.ap/index.html
Here's the actual story (go to the link just above - you can copy and paste) turns out it was a MIDDLE SCHOOL!?!?!?!?!?!?
(NOTE: See my previous post about dressing the younger set as sluts.) Again, I suppose their AGE should not matter *smirk* - I guess the earlier you think of your future the better, eh?
voyez le film schindlers list ..
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