The morning after and the heat in the kitchen
Sunday morn, I am here with coffee - up - despite my body's protest that I get more sleep. Not listening, nosireebob...
I feel like that song 'I had too much to dream last night' - but really I didn't dream - I barely slept.
So I got up around 9:30 am and just lie in bed for a bit and then got motivated enough to make a pot of coffee. Had some coffee while watching CBS' Sunday Morning News Magazine Program
Lo and behold there was a bit in their opinion piece about blogs...
Holy crap, Batman - are we all really getting that popular AND that powerful??? WOW! I think it's great. I was absolutely astonded to hear that the number of bloggers is ONLY about 7 million - astounding that out of that 7 million a handful has affected change! So, the very next time I hear some idiot complain that his/her vote does not mean anything or that they can't change the world, I am going to kick them really hard in their private parts!
The OP piece was done by Professor David Gergen - here's the blurb from the show's web-site:
"David Gergen, professor of public service at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and editor-at-large for U.S. News & World Report, comments on the power of the blogger in today’s politics. "
Again, I have not been hiding under a rock - I guess I never paid much attention to the amount of power bloggers were wielding in the political arena. I agree though, for the most part, with Professor Gergen's comments that if we as bloggers are GOING to be using our blogs in a political and/or journalistic manner, that we need to adhere to the basic tennants of 'good journalism'. But again there is that tiny little voice in my head that keeps asking 'What IS good journalism these days?' - especially at a time when I think a lot of journalism simply ISN'T good anymore. It's kind of like listening to Fox News' claims of their reporting being 'Fair and Balanced' um yeah right...
Now on my second cup of coffee and listening to streaming radio WYEP 91.3 out of Pittsburgh (great station) and my son just came home from me allowing him to be out and spend the night with his buddy last night, after our late night dinner together. (Sometimes my son is better company than the best date I could have - not that I've been on any 'great' dates lately).
I am suddenly very thankful for the grace of my life, for my pleasures that I often-times take for granted and instead end up sounding like my life doesn't. It REALLY doesn't.
I am still amused by our conversation (as I often am) - where he was giving me pointers on 'dating' and my love life (non-existent as it is) - telling me to go work out and cultivate a killer body, since I think I am too old, and then I'll be able to 'catch myself a hunk' (my words not his). He said that since I wanted to be with an attractive guy, I need to put more effort into my being attractive. I then explained to my son that at this point in my life, the most important thing to me is finding someone who likes ME for ME - looks aside. Also, that I will take a less attractive guy with brains and a kind heart over 'Mr. Studly' any day of the week. (Although if he is intelligent, kindly and studly I won't argue ^_^).
Love that boy - he's got my best interests at heart.
Off to work on laundry etc.
As ever,
I feel like that song 'I had too much to dream last night' - but really I didn't dream - I barely slept.
So I got up around 9:30 am and just lie in bed for a bit and then got motivated enough to make a pot of coffee. Had some coffee while watching CBS' Sunday Morning News Magazine Program
Lo and behold there was a bit in their opinion piece about blogs...
Holy crap, Batman - are we all really getting that popular AND that powerful??? WOW! I think it's great. I was absolutely astonded to hear that the number of bloggers is ONLY about 7 million - astounding that out of that 7 million a handful has affected change! So, the very next time I hear some idiot complain that his/her vote does not mean anything or that they can't change the world, I am going to kick them really hard in their private parts!
The OP piece was done by Professor David Gergen - here's the blurb from the show's web-site:
"David Gergen, professor of public service at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and editor-at-large for U.S. News & World Report, comments on the power of the blogger in today’s politics. "
Again, I have not been hiding under a rock - I guess I never paid much attention to the amount of power bloggers were wielding in the political arena. I agree though, for the most part, with Professor Gergen's comments that if we as bloggers are GOING to be using our blogs in a political and/or journalistic manner, that we need to adhere to the basic tennants of 'good journalism'. But again there is that tiny little voice in my head that keeps asking 'What IS good journalism these days?' - especially at a time when I think a lot of journalism simply ISN'T good anymore. It's kind of like listening to Fox News' claims of their reporting being 'Fair and Balanced' um yeah right...
Now on my second cup of coffee and listening to streaming radio WYEP 91.3 out of Pittsburgh (great station) and my son just came home from me allowing him to be out and spend the night with his buddy last night, after our late night dinner together. (Sometimes my son is better company than the best date I could have - not that I've been on any 'great' dates lately).
I am suddenly very thankful for the grace of my life, for my pleasures that I often-times take for granted and instead end up sounding like my life doesn't. It REALLY doesn't.
I am still amused by our conversation (as I often am) - where he was giving me pointers on 'dating' and my love life (non-existent as it is) - telling me to go work out and cultivate a killer body, since I think I am too old, and then I'll be able to 'catch myself a hunk' (my words not his). He said that since I wanted to be with an attractive guy, I need to put more effort into my being attractive. I then explained to my son that at this point in my life, the most important thing to me is finding someone who likes ME for ME - looks aside. Also, that I will take a less attractive guy with brains and a kind heart over 'Mr. Studly' any day of the week. (Although if he is intelligent, kindly and studly I won't argue ^_^).
Love that boy - he's got my best interests at heart.
Off to work on laundry etc.
As ever,
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