Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It's the $84,000 question

Why do I blog?

This is actually the answer I came up with when a fellow blogger asked some of us what blogs are (what they in essence mean - to us).

This is what I wrote:

I blog for the same reason(s) as others have mentioned. To clean out my head. To find some rhyme and reason to the craziness that happened in my life when I began doing this. IT WAS and still is a very personal catharsis. I blogged at first out of necessity - to keep my sanity. Now my blog has evolved to show a more complete picture of me - I am more than my failed marriage. I am a complex, and interesting (if I dare say so myself) - person. Now I blog about anything and everything - it's the mosaic of my mind's eye. What else has happened to me through blogging is something amazing; I have touched other people's lives and they have in turn touched mine - that's amazing. The other benefit to blogging is that I have discovered the 'writer' within in me...that small voice that whispers only in a language I recognize and can call my very own. I am my uniqueness. It's like having a diary or a journal to the 10th power. Ultimately, it's a powerful tool for healing and in some ways has helped to heal me or at least allowed me to accept what fate dealt me - and that's not always an easy thing to take.


Blogger rmacapobre said...

its therapeutic, and like minds are able to validate each other ^_^

7:24 PM  

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