Queen Elizabeth 'livid' at wedding venue change
Yahoo! News - Queen Elizabeth 'livid' at wedding venue change: report
Give me a friggin' break your royal Majesty.
To quote from this article: "The queen believes that by having the service in the local town hall, the last vestige of the mystery of monarchy will be smashed forever," an unidentified source was quoted as saying in Friday's edition of the Sun
The so-called 'mystery' you refer to died way back before the days of good ole' Henry VIII - you wouldn't know a 'mystery of monarchy' if it came up and bit you on your Royal bumbershoot-up-your-friggin-arse, Liz - get the fuck over it, OK.
Frankly - your sonny boy needs to abidicate and then perhaps if your grandson is not too much of a git AND decides to NOT follow in his father's footsteps by publicly airing his dirty laundry (his mistress - fellow horsey-woman) whatever the hell you people call your little trollops and/or subjects that you have your little 'secret' flings with - THEN maybe you can repature whatever the hell it is you are talking about.
Otherwise my dear - stuff it.
Oh and by the way - the rest of the planet would like to see you people of the Aristocracy stop killing defenseless little foxes - pick on someone your own size - like Tony Blair.
Post script: I hope I have not offended any of the readers from the UK or avid/rabid subjects of 'the Crown' - but you know what - I truly think this stuff is absolutely ludicrous. (Of course I think a lot of the stuff our leaders and their families do over here in the States is as well).
Give me a friggin' break your royal Majesty.
To quote from this article: "The queen believes that by having the service in the local town hall, the last vestige of the mystery of monarchy will be smashed forever," an unidentified source was quoted as saying in Friday's edition of the Sun
The so-called 'mystery' you refer to died way back before the days of good ole' Henry VIII - you wouldn't know a 'mystery of monarchy' if it came up and bit you on your Royal bumbershoot-up-your-friggin-arse, Liz - get the fuck over it, OK.
Frankly - your sonny boy needs to abidicate and then perhaps if your grandson is not too much of a git AND decides to NOT follow in his father's footsteps by publicly airing his dirty laundry (his mistress - fellow horsey-woman) whatever the hell you people call your little trollops and/or subjects that you have your little 'secret' flings with - THEN maybe you can repature whatever the hell it is you are talking about.
Otherwise my dear - stuff it.
Oh and by the way - the rest of the planet would like to see you people of the Aristocracy stop killing defenseless little foxes - pick on someone your own size - like Tony Blair.
Post script: I hope I have not offended any of the readers from the UK or avid/rabid subjects of 'the Crown' - but you know what - I truly think this stuff is absolutely ludicrous. (Of course I think a lot of the stuff our leaders and their families do over here in the States is as well).
More parenting gone amuck, eh? Loved your comment on my site -- 'let's just scare the crap out of everyone to be on the safe side' -- yes, that's exactly what they do!
(And, personally, I'm all for the skip-Charles-in-favor-of-William route myself. William seems to have more potential.
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