Saturday, March 26, 2005

Animal Magentism

This idea intrigues me – especially in the state I find myself in these days, emotionally, intellectually, sexually…

One of the conversations I had early on with one of the gentlemen I went out with was about the attraction factor of women. He said to me that women who are attractive give off pheromones (we all know about this – it’s nothing new), but he went on to say that if a woman is having problems or is ‘down & out’ she won’t seem as attractive to a potential suitor – sort of the old ‘they can smell trouble’.

I don’t know if that’s true, I am sure it can be proven somehow with enough scientific research. I DO know that suddenly I seem to be catching more gentlemen’s eyes and that somehow (at least a little bit) the flood gates are opening.

The thing with the really attractive Irish lad didn't seem to be panning out (he that was so desperate to ‘talk’ to me had suddenly grown ‘quiet’ and I KNOW the date went well). But that’s OK because I just feel something – I don’t want to say a light-heartedness, but something very close. A feeling of confidence and a letting go of the outcome – Goddess how good it feels to let go of having to ‘know’ how something’s going to be….it’s so very freeing.

So imagine my surpise when after writing to him to say - "thanks for the drink and I hope I am not coming across as desperate but I'd like to know if things are 'OK' not that I 'expect' anything from you but I was just curious" etc...and all of a sudden (after me holding my breath waiting to be told to fuck off) - he writes me back and not just any old e-mail either - but a real zinger. Kind of caught me off guard. I come home tonight and there is ANOTHER cool e-mail - hmmm - I am like WTF is going on here. Plus I feel a bit bad, like I've misjudged him or something because he is really very brilliant and I was not expecting him to be (Goddess I am such a bitch sometimes)that just sounds so bad - it's NOT that I really did not expect him to be smart - I was just shocked a bit at HOW smart he seems to be - let's just say I was really surprised by what he wrote....

Then there looms on the horizon yet another person. This one is very intriguing - and incredibly smart as well as being wordly (nice combination). I admire him, his thought process, his take on life, well a lot of 'who he is', actually. I am flattered and surprised by the way he writes to me and I feel close even though I barely know him. And the things he's shared with me (and in general with the world), make me think/feel we have a lot in common. I have to tell you that when it comes to men I want to be with - at this point in my life - I'd give my right arm (LOL which is cool because I am left-handed *grin*) - to actually spend some quality time with someone I have things in common with.

So all in all there's a bit of 'spring' on the air - as a woman's fancy turns to the same damn things men's fancies are drawn to. And it's really a breath of fresh air. I breathe it in very deeply and I thank the Goddess I remember how to breathe - now if only I can remember how to swim....

I am beginning to like myself and my life again.


Blogger rmacapobre said...

> I was really surprised by what he wrote....

^_^ .. i noticed that i am more articulate in writing than speaking. english is my second language. this isnt necessary true of your man. but what do you think? are people generally better at writing because it takes more time to execute and therefore process ..

8:04 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

Bonjour Max!

Actually he and I had discussed the fact that people come across differently in e-mail than in person. So it beomces hard to readon someones true intention.

I felt that the couple of times he answered me after we met he was 'snippy' but then he wrote these amazing letters. I am more articulate when I write and sometimes speaking is hard for me because my mind goes faster than my abiity to form the words from my thoughts...unfortunately people don't know how to write 'good' letters anymore.

But I was really surprised in a good way by his writing which is what made me agree to meet him in the first place...


I miss you cheri - write to me s'il vous plais

8:30 PM  

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