Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Terri Schiavo Case Provokes Blogging Storm

Terri Schiavo Case Provokes Blogging Storm

So bloggers are now being again brought into the media feeding frenzy with this? Somebody give me a break.

Last night as my son and I were just sitting around - well I was sitting around he was playing a melange of Beatles tunes on his guitar - I asked him about his feelings on this case. He said "It's none of our damned business, mom!" He went on to say not to worry that if I was in that state and I want to be let go he would honor my wishes. I thanked him but I asked him what he felt about the government interfering in this. Again he repeated 'none of anyone's damn business - especially the government'. I then told him what seems to be happening here is a debate over what constitutes life. He did not seem to know what to say to that.

A lot of us don't know what to say.

I am not a member of Terri's family. In my family I am sort of a black sheep. I am not one to hide behind politeness or political correctness. If this were my daughter I'd let her husband make the decision (I know I can't really and truly say that, 'cause it's not MY daughter - thank God) - but I feel that if it were I'd trust him. He loves her with all his heart, he's a good husband and dad. Of course knowing what I know about my daughter and son-in-law - she'd be kept alive.

My daughter called me over this case the other day and baited me (basically) - my daughter is a fundamentalist Christian. She asked me how I felt. I told her I was for pulling the plug. I went on to say that the husband had the right to choose that for his wife. She began to bring up 'life' - I asked her - "how is she living a life? How is this life?" I said to my daughter "is that what you'd want for me?" She said "well I'd want to keep you alive mom". I said to my daughter "I'd never want to live like that, I'd want you to let me go." I explained very gently to her that it's selfish to keep someone hooked to a machine when you know they don't want to live that way. And I said "Honey I don't ever want to live like that".

Then I asked her the ultimate question - I asked my daughter if she believed in God. She answered affirmatively. I said that I too believed in God. The I sad "I'll tell you what, let's unplug her and see what happens. If God wants her to live, she will live" stunned silence on the other end of the phone....

Nope none of us know what to do. Blogging about it doesn't bring about any epiphanies as always it's the right vs. the left - people insisting THEIR opinion's the 'right' one. What to do? I can't answer for Terri or her family. I DO know I want this media frenzy to end. Perhaps it's time for all of US to let go so this family can try to deal with this in peace. (But of course if the family is hoping by feeding this media blitz it's going to help their case why would they let go?)

Hard questions - no easy answers in sight.

Terri Schiavo, I hope when you do go gentle into that night - that your life will not be one that was lived in vain and that these memories that are being created now are NOT the ones that will frame your life in total. I pray you AND your family find peace.


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