Tuesday, March 22, 2005

UPDATE- Schiavo case goes to appeals panel - Mar 22, 2005

CNN.com - Schiavo case goes to appeals panel - Mar 22, 2005

My question is many-fold here.

First of all why in heaven's name are her parents doing this???? Are they so despearate to keep her alive for their own selfish reasons that they MUST make a mockery out of our judicial system (not that it does not seem to do that pretty well on its own).

Secondly who is paying for all of this????

Lastly - wouldn't the best thing to be just to let her go home and be kept with some dignity. Feed her at home - if you want to...or here's a clue - let her go....I mean how long can she go on like this?

Sad it's really sad.

Yes it raises the great debate of what is life? How should we approach people's last wishes? etc. etc. Part of me however, feels it is a ploy by the right-wingers to again want to take away our rights to decide for ourselves if we want to live or die with dignity. Beware when the government gets involved in a case that should be kept amongst family - even if they are feuding. If the husband is the legal guardian of this woman then guess what Mom and Dad....time's up.

I don't mean to sound so cold and heartless but I find this incomprehensible that the parents of this woman want to go on seeing her like this day in and day out.

Oh and....

P.S. - Mr. President? Um can we PLEASE get to the domestic agenda that the ENTIRE COUNTRY wants you to pay attention to (you know like jobs and the economy), and not just this one family and their misguided emotion over their vegetative daughter???? HUH GEORGE?!?!?!?!? CAN WE?!?!?!? PRETTY PLEASE???????


Blogger Unknown said...

Very well said! I agree with you. I think this girl's parents are selfish idiots. They should let this poor girl die in peace already. Laying in a hospital for years the way she has - is no kind of life. The people that can't see that are foolish. (in my opinion) I believe some people in our government (like the President) is using this to push his ideas against abortion too... you know, the right to "life" ideas. Perhaps there should be a definition as to what constitutes LIFE.

1:30 PM  

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