Tuesday, March 22, 2005


So today on my way in to work as I was exiting at my usual exit I noticed there was a large SUV that seemed to be edging over towards me. The way the exit is set up, you can exit or keep going (that’s the way it’s supposed to work on the freeway DUH) – so if you are exiting you are over to the right. In this case, though, this SUV decided that it (the woman driving it) was missing her exit and had to get over. So I kept driving which meant because she had decided to suddenly exit it must have seemed to her that she was being ‘cut off’ – not the case but who the hell am I to judge. So she decided to get on top of me (I drive a small fuel-efficient car) and lay on her horn and flip me off. So I flip her off in my rear-view mirror and mouth the words ‘idiot’ and ‘dumb blonde’ sorry but if the hair fits, wear it…

This infuriates this woman who begins to speed up and I can see her losing her mind in the rear view mirror. She is flipping me off and yelling at me (though I can’t hear her). At one point I come almost to a complete stop with no warning and look at her again in my rear-view mirror and tell her to get off my ass. She motions that I should pull over to the side of the road where she would do what??? Kick my ass I suppose….
I do no such thing. Then I notice she works where I work AND that she has a sticker indicating she parks where the doctors would park. So now not only do I consider her to be an idiot but she is a rich, privileged, I-drive-a-gas-guzzling-SUV-because-I-really-don’t-care,fake-blonde,diamond-encrusted-bitch on top of it. I actually begin to laugh because I can’t believe she is acting this way. I mean how stupid is this...this woman decided she missed her exit and because she can’t cut me off I somehow have managed to ruin her morning???

Sure hope she didn’t need to perform surgery.

Word of advice though: A friend of mine told me that the next time someone throws a tantrum or experiences road-rage and it's directed at you, you can call the cops on them. Good idea. Just make sure it’s not your PCP.


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