Saturday, March 12, 2005


I had the chance to have lunch with my sister and my neice today. It was nice to get out and nice to visit with them. We don't see each other nearly enough.

My niece is a ball of energy. And she is one of the most beautiful children I have ever seen...she is in a word 'stunning'. I'd post her picture if I had one digitally.

I can't believe my sister has a child this age. I would have absolutely no patience for this if it was me in her shoes. My sister handles it with grace and humour.

I look back on our lives growing up and I realise how lucky I am to be close with her today and have her in my life. In fact I am lucky to have all my siblings near me. It does not take away my wanting to move elsewhere. I am the only one besides my younger brother that's lived outside of the state. I guess part of me will always want to go other places and experience other things. Yes 'home' is nice too and I cherish the nearness of my family.

My sister and I were never what you would call close. In fact, things between us were downright nasty a lot of the time growing up - but when we got older and had our own children those 'things' changed and suddenly all the old jealousies and pettiness washed away and we began really (finally) becoming sisters. I think the fact that our mom was no longer around was a huge factor in making us realise that all the other stuff was bullshit and needed to be put aside.

The only regret I have is that I did not get to see my nephew as much as I would have liked (or my sister for that matter). I have such fond memories of being with my cousins when I was growing up. But all in all I am very close to my family and they are a Godsend to me and have stood by me through all of my trials and tribulations. I hope I have done the same for them over all these years.

I am hoping one weekend soon to 'steal' my sister away so we can just go out together and have some fun. Just the two of us...sisters reconnecting with each other....

I love you sis!


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