Saturday, March 05, 2005

The 'I'm tired of this crap' rant for the umpteenth time


I thought it was safe to let just anyone commment on this blog - now I am done.
and in case that crazy idiot Chas (from post pasts) - is still reading, you got it buddy, it's called banning.

I consider myself to be fair, and tolerant - a nice person. Once again here come the anonymous people crawling from out of the wood-work to call me names or accuse me of being things I am not on my own blog. And I have had it. Period.

So from now on - you want to post - then I am going to know who you are. There are two posting systems on this blog - blogger's (which for the record sucks), and Haloscan (nice because of the controls it offers) - I know there are positng systems that you can use and 'review' the comments before you 'show' them on your blog but they cost, right? (An aside: if any of you know of a system like that that's free - let me know.) So if you 'decide' to be anonymous on Haloscan - I can DECIDE to ban your ass. Not that I truly care what anyone thinks about this but I will list my reasons:

1. Posting anonymously is cowardly - if you are going to have the balls to say something - say it to my face (figuratively) - otherwise shut the fuck up and keep your useless opinions to yourself - I have told people in MY very own life the same thing - it's like gossip folks - have the courage to tell them to their faces. I have had it with 'catty' people.

2. Get a fucking life. Once more this blog is not done for YOU - get YOUR OWN blog - there should be blogging etiquette - I don't think it's proper to go to someone's personal blog and tell them they are arrogant or low for THEIR opinions, wants, desires, needs. Again I am not a newspaper, I am not your local TV or radio station - you don't get to write letters to the editor complaining about the content HERE. And if you are that desperate to insult and criticise others - there are plenty of blogs that welcome it - mostly political blogs and idiots like Chas - go there, bait them.

3. How I feel about my PERSONAL life, my children, my family, my friends is none of your business. If you want to comment about those things be kind. Once again I would never go to anyone's blog and tear them apart, criticise their view-points etc. It's just not a nice thing to do. Remember how our mom's used to tell us if you can't say anything nice??? They were right. Blogging is a personal thing. I am not going to shut this away from the public just because you don't like me or what I am saying. You don't get to use my blog to get your rocks off - so do it on YOUR blog. I am not on here spreading viscious gossip. The things I say about what's happened in my life are MINE; they are the facts - you can check it out with the pople who know me - sure there are two sides to every story - I welcome the slut that made me start all of this AND my cheating husband to jump in the fray anytime to tell their sides of the story - but they won't. Why? Becuase they are cowards too and lies don't like the light of the truth. I own the things that have happened to me. They are my facts, my story. When crazies come on here and comment they are going to get addressed - or deleted. (Like the idiot that told me my mother dying in front of her 15-year-old daughter wasn't all that bad a thing - um yeah OK - go back to your nice little asylum now and leave the rest of us alone - banned her right away - sorry if that hurt the rest of the reading audience). I don't go around telling people what their 'reality' is and you shouldn't either - that's between them, their God, their psyche, and their shrink.

'Nuff said.

Have a nice day.



Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Colette,

But how do you really feel?



2:05 PM  
Blogger broomhilda said...


What Jeff said.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

*big smile*


I *AM* breathing - I am just breathing OUT the anger. This is something I've ranted about before and I 've just come to a decision is all. I am tired of people who feel the need to bash me and be negative to what I have to say being allowed to do it on this blog. If they want to have an "I hate Colette and everything she stands for blog' so be it - that's their perogative and THIS is mine....kind of like a 'He man woman haters' club


Sorry about the rant but I had to get it off my chest (yet again apparently).

12:46 PM  

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