Friday, April 15, 2005

Fun, Fun, Fun

Usually my life does not consist of a lot of this – at least not lately. I am sure it is my own fault – lack of trying….

My friends are wonderful (have I said that before?) let me re-iterate: MY FRIENDS ARE WONDERFUL!

This weekend, I have been invited to attend a ‘Vicars and Tarts’ party being hosted by one of my friends who hails from the UK. He is from Scotland. He is adorable and has to most wonderful accent. He has lost a lot of it I am sure from being here in the States…

This is a party for us to dress up as either a Vicar or a Tart. Since I don’t have a ‘Vicar’, Bishop, or Pope costume – Tart it shall be. I think it would be a fitting tribute to John Paul II for us to all dress up as Popes and you know what – he’d probably appreciate it too….

Now for what to wear. What does the average girl do when she has to dress as a ‘street walker?? (Gee wonder if I should call up my ex’s slut and ask her…..hmmmm…)
I know I own a really short skirt and boots and a see through blouse and lots of gaudy jewelry – all I would really need is fish net hosiery and a wig perhaps – or just curl the living daylights out of my hair ….sluty make up – I should be all set.

If I can I will post pictures…

Next weekend – dearest Liam and his partner are throwing a ‘Cheesefest’ party. We are all expected to bring a really bad/cheesy DVD to the party (wrapped in gift paper) – then we throw them in a pile a we each pick a movie to take home with us. Whatever ends up being the ‘worst’ movie out of the pile is the one we will watch – or perhaps we will be watching several awful flicks. It’s an excuse to get together and have some drinks and laugh our asses off.

Did I say my friends were wonderful?



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