Wednesday, April 13, 2005

A woman's perogative....

WARNING: Those of you who are spineless might want to skip this posting...


I know I have ranted about this before. I know it’s not popular in this shiny, bright, brand-new ‘culture of life’ we have going on to hold such sentiments. You know what, I don’t care.

A friend and I were having a talk last night. He made mention that the ‘real’ thing the Christian ‘right’ – only he called it the Christian ‘wrong’ (great name I think it will stick with me),wanted was to take away women’s reproductive rights.

Now, since most ‘Christians’ are against abortion – I know that they are not big on a woman’s right to choose; but to take away our right to be able to use contraception?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!? Does anyone else see this as a huge threat?????

Friends, I am frightened. In ways you can’t even imagine….

Every single day I see the same people who espouse these virtues being utter and total hypocrites…and yet they are going to tell me *I* can’t chose the time when I want to be pregnant???? Um no. If you go around polluting the planet, killing animals for meat, fur, leather, sentencing people (who might be totally innocent) to death, refusing to pay for social programs that allow poor kids to stay poor and be at risk and potentially die….then my dear so-called ‘Christian’, you don’t get to decide when I get pregnant. Why? Because everything else you are doing is a sin. Blowing up innocent people in the name of oil, or ‘made up’, ‘trumped up’, totally false charges is a sin; sending young men to fight for that same cause is a sin. Again I am going to say it here. Those people who seem to want to restrict our rights and freedoms don’t seem to understand something pretty simple, it’s called timing. It’s murder when it’s pre-conception, or an abortion but it’s not murder when it’s the death penalty, or war????? Really???? Is THAT what Jesus would do?

Required reading for all young women should be the ‘Lysistrata’ (look it up ladies) – hey here’s something else we can all do. GO ON STRIKE. That’s right – you heard me. You want to bring Washington/our government to it’s knees? Let’s see every woman out there who is against the government stripping us of our freedoms (including those of you who think Gay marriage is OK) – (hell why limit it to women?) – refuse to go to work for just one day – THE SAME DAY! You bet it would send a message. So would not buying gas but do you soccer-moms give a damn? Apparently not. Friggin’ cowards. And don’t hand me that same old bullshit line about not being able to do this stuff. If it matters to you DO IT! I am also not suggesting that poor people take off work or get fired but there are other ways to help the cause. Speak up – become a pain in your representatives’ ass. You’re a pain in everyone else’s ass – put it to good use.

You know it’s funny, my son, who seems to be really enamored with the “60” keeps asking me: “Mom what the hell happened to you guys?”...”you all used to be so anti-war, etc.” Sometimes I laugh and tell him it was the drugs muddling our brains. But I am frankly embarrassed by our lack of spines. What the fuck DID happen to us?

Fight people. Fight for your rights. Don’t let some uptight, supposedly ‘moral’ group dictate your life to you. Stand up for what you believe in and fight. Stop backing down. Put your money where your mouth and brains are and fight.

LISTEN to your children…remember our parents not listening to us? Remember what that felt like? Listen to your kids. They know things you can’t even begin to imagine. Things you NEVER knew growing up.

You want to hand your kids that same shitty culture that you hate – hey who the hell am I to tell you what you morals should be – but if you give them an inch they will take a mile, you know it and I know it. And the day they start making laws about men’s penises is the day you are going to see men put down their remotes and do something besides belch beer while watching the final four.

So ladies….what? You too busy to care? You better put down that dishcloth and do something now. Before they begin to put us back in corsets. Those coat hangers aren’t looking real good to me; neither is raising a passel of kids when no one, including my own government, cares to help me with it. A quiet revolution is still a revolution. Every day I see young girls on the verge of being completely overpowered by things beyond their control – and to whom are they going to turn? Are you strong enough to help? Why are there no women heroes anymore?

Look I don’t want to turn this into a feminist rant (too late I’m sure) - I am sure there are men out there who feel the way we do – so everyone needs to pitch in. Gentlemen, do you think about your daughters having unwanted pregnancies? You’d better start. How about her being raped? How about her not getting the reproductive health care she needs? What about your sisters? Look, I know what I am saying isn’t very popular anymore (or is it and we are just too afraid?) – it doesn’t take much to turn a tide people, really it doesn’t. You are more powerful than you know.

Fight. Don’t just sit there – if you’re outraged do something – if you are not outraged, stay where you are, because we really don’t need you involved. Fight. Not violently. Fight with your pens, your mouths, your damned cell phones, and your wallet. Just fight. You want a better planet? So do I. You want your rights? So do I. Speak up; let your voices be heard. One person can make a huge difference. Don’t you let those idiots in Washington make you think anything different. You think they don’t squirrel their daughter’s away when they get knocked up? Think again. You think those fat cats aren’t having affairs? Think again. Do you REALLY think they are the pillars of morality??? Think again people. Use your brains and do something.


Blogger rmacapobre said...

> contraception

i cant believe this is even an issue in the US?

is it coincidence that africa and any other place for that matter where contraception is prohibited has an AIDs (STD) epidemic, not to mention population management, which opens a whole set of other problems; economy, social security, etc. statistics have spoken.

> abortion

prochoice clinics should be legal and protected. however, im not sure about the use of public money to build/maintain them. this should remain a personal decision.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Colette said...


I agree with you on both counts and yes this is possibly going to be a problem in the states. As it is most parents and schools have their heads up ther asses when it comes to teens and 'sex'. Everyone's a bunch of friggin' idiots...

As far as abortion - I am not saying the government should fund it - in fact they shouldn't but they don't have a right to take it away either.

One more time - it's MY body. What I chose to do is between me, myself, my lover, and my God.

6:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Colleen,

I just wanted to let you know that not all Christians want to take rights away from women. I'm a Christian and I am VERY much pro-choice! I think the "right to lifer's" are wrong.

But please, Be careful before you think about grouping ALL Christians into one category. We are all different... it's just the foolish one's that seem to get into the news all the time and make a big stink about things.

And as a Christian myself - these people embarass me.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Colette said...


I am not trying to lump ALL Christians together - heck I was born and raised Catholic myself.

All that I am saying is that it seems to me that the people in power in our country seem to be hell bent on taking away our rights. I am suggesting that those of us who want to keep those rights speak up - LOUDLY.

Further - and this is to everyone -this isn't just about abortion or contraception - it's about ALL of our rights - including things like what happens to people due to the 'Patriot Act' and other attempts by our government to keep track - be a 'Big Brother' you name it...

I don't want to offend - I don't want to make people angry - but this stuff scares me and I feel if you aren't scared or concerned about having your rights taken away that there's something wrong or you just aren't paying attention.

But I want people to talk about this stuff - it's how we open dialogue with each other.

Thanks again for commenting - all of you!

C -

12:06 PM  

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