Gobble, gobble, gobble...
What an annoying (OK albeit weirdly funny) noise....
I feel really remiss in not writing more here. I’ve been terribly busy. I’ve been meaning to blog about a lot of things – my weekend spent laid up with a head cold – my manic cleaning the house all of a sudden (as if I am nesting or something)...the recent passing of the anniversary of my mother’s birth (she would have been 82 years old)...
Yoga has been great! I have a wonderful Tuesday night class – and I do believe there is a student that is flirting with me (for real) – while I am blushing at the prospect of this (he’s cute and nice and obviously stable and gainfully employed – and again no comments out of you C2) – I just can’t date a student (I WON’T DATE A STUDENT) – maybe after this 6-week course is up we can go have coffee...
There is also another person who has been writing to me and he is very interesting and into all the same things I am – however some part of me is feeling very cautious because he throws this stuff at me like he is trying to impress me and I don’t want to be impressed – really – it’s like ‘dropping names’ or something with the people he mentions and the things he ‘knows’ and I am just feeling cautious. We’re amicable enough – so far we’ve ‘discussed’ getting some coffee but we shall see...
And just completely off the subject now...I love how other people’s blogs sometimes have the same exact things as mine (sometimes days later – or months later) – while I don’t care a bit about a ‘link back’ or ‘track back’ or whatever the hell those techie terms are – I just think it’s all rather interesting that the world grows smaller by the day – pretty soon there’s not going to be any room left for uniqueness (don’t mind me – I am just rattling around in my cage out loud as it were – good thing this cage has rubber walls *snicker*)
There is a ‘talk’ I give to my students around this time of the year – this is the one I gave on Tuesday nite (because my Yoga classes are not just about body self-discovery they are about getting to be real again):
“It is that time of the year again where we find ourselves frantically participating in the holidays...we rush here, we rush there, we HAVE to bake yet another pie, we HAVE to have one more piece of it to eat, or we simply overate, then we have to go shopping and get that bizillionth toy for our kids (when they are only going to play with the box anyways)...
I want you guys to keep in mind you don’t have to participate in this – you can just say NO to the madness – it’s not about the X-Box 360 or about anything other than family, love and transcendence OVER all the other materialistic stuff. So I hope as you gather around your tables you keep this in mind – you remember to say Grace – not necessarily to ‘God’ but just to be grateful for the sacrifice that’s been made to put that food on your table – to remember your manners and say thanks (and perhaps if you can remember those who are not so fortunate and try to help them). I hope that you will gather your loved ones close and be happy just for the sake of love in your life and let that grace fill your heart and soul with light and the very essence of your true SELF.
May you all be blessed this season with joy and love.
I feel really remiss in not writing more here. I’ve been terribly busy. I’ve been meaning to blog about a lot of things – my weekend spent laid up with a head cold – my manic cleaning the house all of a sudden (as if I am nesting or something)...the recent passing of the anniversary of my mother’s birth (she would have been 82 years old)...
Yoga has been great! I have a wonderful Tuesday night class – and I do believe there is a student that is flirting with me (for real) – while I am blushing at the prospect of this (he’s cute and nice and obviously stable and gainfully employed – and again no comments out of you C2) – I just can’t date a student (I WON’T DATE A STUDENT) – maybe after this 6-week course is up we can go have coffee...
There is also another person who has been writing to me and he is very interesting and into all the same things I am – however some part of me is feeling very cautious because he throws this stuff at me like he is trying to impress me and I don’t want to be impressed – really – it’s like ‘dropping names’ or something with the people he mentions and the things he ‘knows’ and I am just feeling cautious. We’re amicable enough – so far we’ve ‘discussed’ getting some coffee but we shall see...
And just completely off the subject now...I love how other people’s blogs sometimes have the same exact things as mine (sometimes days later – or months later) – while I don’t care a bit about a ‘link back’ or ‘track back’ or whatever the hell those techie terms are – I just think it’s all rather interesting that the world grows smaller by the day – pretty soon there’s not going to be any room left for uniqueness (don’t mind me – I am just rattling around in my cage out loud as it were – good thing this cage has rubber walls *snicker*)
There is a ‘talk’ I give to my students around this time of the year – this is the one I gave on Tuesday nite (because my Yoga classes are not just about body self-discovery they are about getting to be real again):
“It is that time of the year again where we find ourselves frantically participating in the holidays...we rush here, we rush there, we HAVE to bake yet another pie, we HAVE to have one more piece of it to eat, or we simply overate, then we have to go shopping and get that bizillionth toy for our kids (when they are only going to play with the box anyways)...
I want you guys to keep in mind you don’t have to participate in this – you can just say NO to the madness – it’s not about the X-Box 360 or about anything other than family, love and transcendence OVER all the other materialistic stuff. So I hope as you gather around your tables you keep this in mind – you remember to say Grace – not necessarily to ‘God’ but just to be grateful for the sacrifice that’s been made to put that food on your table – to remember your manners and say thanks (and perhaps if you can remember those who are not so fortunate and try to help them). I hope that you will gather your loved ones close and be happy just for the sake of love in your life and let that grace fill your heart and soul with light and the very essence of your true SELF.
May you all be blessed this season with joy and love.
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