Monday, February 06, 2006

Almost cut my hair....

....well not almost (which I am told only counts in horseshoes, hand-grenades and the back seats of cars)...I actually DID cut my hair - a lot of it - off....looks different - trying to get used to it...there seems to be a lot of hoopla involved in growing old - rumour, innuendo and speculation telling women they should not do certain things after a certain age - like have long hair (it's tantamount to wearing white after labour day) - I disagree - but I needed a good cut to re-start again....not sure where this will go....mainly I just want to look sultry, sexy and chic....

Weekend re-cap (for those playing the home version and/or keeping score):

Friday came home beat - wanted to just crawl into bed and sleep the sleep of that sleeping beauty person - my landlord had left word that we'd have a plumber showing up the next morning at 9AM (oops...I forgot to tell you guys we've been without hot water for 3 days - well we could have used the hot water but not without unleashing a temendous leak in the basement - and so we had to shut the hot water off at the source and in order to use it we had to run all the way down to the basement to turn in back on - so in the mornings I'd have to wash my face in ice cold water - or stick my head under ice cold water - brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) - so I told my son he'd have to get up the next morning since I had to teach a class....

Got up bright and early at 8AM Saturday - made coffee (more for my son than for me - cause I don't like to be wired teaching a class) - woke my son up (he was not happy about this at all) - left to teach. NO ONE SHOWED UP FOR MY CLASS!

OK now I know people can't make it to things; I understand Saturdays are busy for people - I get it - but to not at least call and say - hey C, I can't make it tomorrow so *I* don't have to get up myself would have been really nice. I mean sure I want to be successful and make money at teaching but I'd have much rather slept in until I spent some time at my studio transcribing old lessons into a new book and reading and then had an impromptu meeting with my fellow partner in crime Scott the massage therapist...had I *really* been thinking I'd have asked for a massage...

Then I went home quickly to change so I could head over to my one friends house in order to go with her to her hair-dresser (who is all the way out in Chesterland) - to get my aforementioned new do....spent 4 hours there!!!! (seriously) Mainly because her colour took like 3 hours....note to self probably not the place to have any hair colour done...loved the guy at the shop though - he was wonderful and warm and vibrant and had been doing hair since he was 18 yrs old and was not in his late 50s - he was a really cool guy....

Sunday spent some time catching up on sleep and then late afternoon went to my brother's house to watch the Superbowl...I am not a sports fan (and especially not when it comes to the Steelers - even though I grew up in Pittsburgh) - however there is something to be said about watching the team from your hometown play in a Superbowl...and I have to admit it WAS an interesting game - way more interesting than the commercials or the Stones - I was expecting more from the commercials (NOT the Stones However) and am I missing something???? They played in Detroit, right? So WTF??? Why the hell didn't half-time feature Stevie Wonder or a similar Detroit act????? I mean is Mick down enough with it or soul-man enough for Detroit???
Don't get that one at all....especially since MIck allowed them to censor his movements and lyrics...

Went home after half time to drive across town (my brother lives near Lakewood) - and because the weather was starting to get nasty - watched the end of the game and finally slept the sleep of that sleeping beauty (albeit with shorter hair) person.



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