Thursday, May 25, 2006

Breathing again...


Today took the day off - gave my son a ride to school and therefore did not sleep in the way I *needed* to.

I did go pick up his tux, get groceries put in the house, came home to relax and he came in shortly afterwards. I guess he's been cutting out of school early - he claims all the kids are at this point and he only needs to be there for tests...I choose to believe him. I DO remember similar times at the end of my school years as a junior and senior....

My son will be going to see the counselor soon (as I mentioned, it's the one his pediatrician recommended). Yesterday, I got to have a phone conversation with this man who asked me to call him by his first name (big plus in my book). We hit it off instantly. He brought me back to earth and helped me quite a bit. He asked the 'right' questions and he did not come across as what I will call an anti-drug Nazi (now before certain people I know get their panties in a bunch let me explain); I KNOW my son and, despite what he decided to try HE IS A GOOD KID. I know him well enough to know that if I put him in a room with one of those by-the-book-all-or-nothing counselors he is going to shut down and not accomplish anything and what the hell would be the point of that? Instead I feel he is going to relate to this guy and this guy is going to be able to get through to him. And that's what he needs - he does not need preached to, he does not need to be threatened, and he does not need to be made to feel he's being cornered like a rat.

The simple truth is that Mr. C's daughter brought me to the realisation that he's going to 'experiment' and there won't be much that I can do about it - sure I can threaten, I can refuse to pay for his schooling etc., but I'd much rather be able to somehow get him to recognise what he's doing and come to terms with it and then find out it's not an answer to any of his problems.

Of course in the end the proof as they say is in the pudding...we shall see what happens. In the meantime, my son knows he is still going to get randomly tested, he knows that if we catch him doing the shit that landed him in this trouble in the first place he's going to go into a rehab program PERIOD.

I am for now going to relax just a little and put some faith in my son and in this gentleman to help him. At least it's a plan.


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