Thursday, May 25, 2006

CNN: Atheist sues for proof of Jesus

...this is more of an 'update'.

Apparently the case was thrown out by the Italian judge but now another court has agreed to hear it...

hmmmm - now wouldn't it be interesting if he won...

You can also find a detailed article HERE that provides a link to Mr. Luigi Cascioli's book/pamphlet.

Interesting times we live in n'est ce pas?


Blogger Simon said...

The weird thing is, I had just written of a theoretical trial on my blog, where the bible is used as evidence.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Liam said...

Have you seen DaVinci code yet, sweetie!

I think you'd enjoy it, I did, and I'm not religious at all.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Colette said...


Love your blog!


Um no I don't think so - they guy who wrote it is a shitty writer and I am not the least bit interested in seeing Tom Hanks in such a role. Sorry to disappoint, luv. I never had any intention of going to see it - I think the premise of the supposed conspiracy it pretty interesting tho - but no, I'll pass on the movie...

I miss you and hope we can get together soon...


C -

1:22 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Not a great book, with some lame writing. Gets interesting in the middle but then the end is a cop out. But so many people still read the bible.

The Da Vinci Code is crap too.

Cheers Colette!

3:11 AM  

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