Sunday, May 28, 2006

For your viewing pleasure....

Yes indeedy kids - these were viewed just today as a matter of fact
( was one of THOSE days):

I am not a big fan of 'suspense films' unless we are talking the master of the genre Mr. Hitchcock but this one was surprisingly subtle and rather well done (plus Ralph {is it pronounced RALPH or RAIFE give me a break OK} Fiennes and Rachel Weisz - made the screen sizzle as eye candy (I've always been a sucker for his good looks and she was stunning as well - although I don't think her acting actually deserved an award - sorry))...


Now, I know in the past - back when this came out, I panned it - and it is still rather trite (although a good date movie - LOL no pun intended) - however I still find Dermot yummy and again that scene where he is about to kiss Debra's character (but doesn't) is SOOOOO erotic - so it was kind of tolerable the second time around and the one line he used in the movie reminded me that I will probably never in my life meet a guy who is going to talk to me in this manner - the exact quote from Mr. Yummy was:

"I think I'd miss you even if we had never met"

Let's face it, guys simply don't talk like this - especially ones who LOOK like him -Why? Hmmm cause I would imagine they DON'T HAVE TO talk like that - women are probably beating a path to their penises or something (*laughs*) - at any rate it was cute in an incredibly 'fake this ain't ever going to happen to you' sort of way


Last but not least - I merely caught a glimpse of this one today while flipping through 'network' TV, and I realised the impact this movie must have made on me at the time I saw it (I've related this before) - it scared the hell out of me. Today I was musing more about the performances that Mr. De Palma was able to obtain from Piper Laurie (brilliant and maniacal) while contrasting it against the sweet innocent and just as volatile-teen-aspect of Sissy Spacek. Amazing (campy but amazing nonetheless)...


OK off to gaze at the stars before the Sandman takes over to join me?


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