Thursday, May 25, 2006


So tonight is my last night with the Thursday night ladies. This is the class that has the elderly woman with COPD on oxygen. I am sort of sad to see them go - happy in some ways to reclaim yet another night. When my Saturday class ends I'll be thrilled.

I told the Center for Integrative Medicine that I needed to take the summer off due to issues with my son and me simply needing a break (I've been teaching non-stop now since September PLUS worked my full-time job).

They informed me that they've found a Yoga teacher to replace me while I am gone and someone who will teach on the west-side when I get back into my routine again. It's one of the women I recommended and that thrills me to no end. She is wonderful, she is really a 'therapist' in the true sense of the word and even better, she's not a greedy, money-grubbing person. I will look forward to the break and to hopefully working with her upon my return.

OK off to try to relax a bit before class - listen to some music etc.

Later kids!


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