Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hillary rips climbers who left dying man

Hillary rips climbers who left dying man

...yes Sir Hillary, I agree human life is way more precious than reaching the top of a mountain.


Blogger Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

That is sad! I don't understand the climbers that went on up the mountain! Maybe I don't have a clue about climbing, but something tells me if I did, I'd be just as pissed as I am at this moment! Tip your hat and say morning indeed! I thought climbers were in tune with nature and would have done all in their power to save this man! Damn! I am an unhappy camper, no pun intended, right about now! Thanks, Colette! :>)

12:35 PM  
Blogger rmacapobre said...

self preservation. the survivors were protecting themselves.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Colette said...


For shame. That's a load of crap - they should have at least tried to rescue him...if it did not put the rest of their 'team' at risk then ALL attempts should have been made to save him....

Mr Poet,

I believe the Aussie guy was a different climber - the English guy IS dead.

And it's sad - very sad...

9:44 PM  

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