Thursday, June 22, 2006

'Fodder' continued

Geez - this is almost getting as good as the 'actual' carnival story I am writing (Do you guys think this guy has been secretly hired to get me out of my funk about the blog? hmmm....)

At any rate, he wrote back:

Thank you for your response. Perhaps my message wasn't stated clearly, but I was not looking for a "source for ideas about a screenplay." I would never blatantly or conspicuously ask someone for story ideas. If you felt that was my objective then I apologize. As I stated in my message, I was merely seeking "daily routine" information and perhaps some "interesting stories" from your carny experience. My purpose in asking the latter was two-fold. Firstly, you offered to share "interesting stories" (which, apparently, was a "polite" gesture on your part) and secondly, I was hoping to gain insights into the carny lifestyle from an insider's perspective.

I would never steal, plagiarize, etc stories or experiences that belonged to someone else. Again, if I offended you with my inquiry, I apologize. This was not my intent.

And I wrote back (I mean not to be a bitch or anything cause we all know I am one):

Dear sir,

I never accused you of doing any such thing - I merely pointed out that if you DID use ANYTHING of mine I'd expect at the very least, credit for it...that's all

And I *was* kind of offended; you've never written to me before, I don't know WHO the heck you are so why would I oblige you - a stranger? A friend perhaps but you aren't a friend. My 'polite' offer was for my AUDIENCE - people who read me all the time - not some stranger needing help with his 'screenplay'.

To me with writing - you do your *own* homework - you don't start asking people to write on their blog so that YOU can have research fodder. It's a bit insulting - especially like after you said 2 whole years has passed - it's not like you are a constant visitor to my blog, right?

How about hanging out at a carnival - did you ever think of doing that? How about interviewing an ACTUAL carnie? I mean you can't call me a 'carnie' in reality when I was only there for ONE season, right? I can't give you details about a 'real' carnies' daily lives because my 'adventure' did not encompass all that much, except for the fact that I was a young girl in a new environment. Why borrow from me when you can get much better info from a real pro? That's what *I* would do if I was thinking of writing anything that I hadn't actually experienced, I'd interview people and I'd hang out with those people....but that's just me...

And I just can't see a screenplay about carnies being as popular as what HBO did (LOL besides other than the mystical component I don't think it was well received, otherwise why would they would have cancelled it?) - I mean I suppose some people might be interested, but most of the people I knew despised carnies....I suppose it's an attraction/oddity for the un-initiated - kind of like the freak shows on some of the circuits...

So really I DO wish you well with your 'screenplay' but my stuff is off limits unless you ask me permission to use it AND I grant it to you and I have not done so...nor do I intend to do so...

It's summer, go find yourself a carnival to canvas.

C -


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