Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The 'Lucy' predicament

I've written about her before...

She is the pure black cat from the neighborhood that last year at this time her supposed 'owners' could not be bothered with - and so in temps bordering dangerously cold for ANY animal to be out - she'd be out in it - with me fuming and wanting to take a 'more-than-a-BB-gun-more-like-a-small-cannon' over to my white-trash neighbors across the way and shoot them dead for abusing a helpless animal.

Instead last year, I let Lucy (short for 'Lucifer') into our basement. This year I really can't do that. For a couple of reasons - but alas, this year it seems those fucktards have grown even more dastardly and aren't feeding or sheltering Lucy at all (no, I never went to confront them - in fact for all I know they've moved and left her behind)...

What to do?

Tony's dad came up with a brilliant idea - to find/buy her a 'cat house' (no comments from the peanut gallery) - one with a door that she can get in and out and put something plush or blanket-like in there for her to bed down on and her own heat will keep her warm. It has to have a door so other animals can't get in - like a cat-door for an outdoor cat. Lucy is definitely an outdoor cat. She's grown really affectionate - she thinks we are her 'pets' - when she sees my car pull into the drive, she runs to it wanting to 'chin' on it - I fear I will run her over one of these days. She knows we are the source of her food. I love this cat - but I can't take in another cat and I won't send her off to be destroyed. If any of you out there who are local to me (by that mean Cleveland - more east than west side) and you want to adopt an outdoor cat with the codicil that I get visitation AND you give her a good home, let me know.

In the meantime I am off to look for a manger so baby Lucy can lay her sweet head for the harsh winter season.


Blogger Erin Garlock said...

You have such a big heart my love.

If you don't find a good 'cat house' for Lucy, let me know and we can build her one with the following specs (*donning engineer hat*)

* "Lockable" door - openable only with a special collar, otherwise any animal could make it their home. Assuming you want to collar her.

* Serviceable - Able to be opened by human pets for cleaning.

Building something like the following would actually only take a few minutes to build with a large PVC pipe, 2 endcaps, a scrap of carpet, cat door, and my rotary saw. (and not $150.00 - more like $30)

8:32 AM  

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