Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Third time's the charm...

(Now listening to Vienna Choir Boys: 'Little Drummer Boy')

As you can see on the sidebar (which is cluttered I know), I list some different stuff/'interests' including the book(s) I am currently reading.

Well I have to make some changes to that list...I never DID finish 'Candy' by Mian Mian (I HAVE to do that so I can then give it to Mr. C to read).

Right now I am working on 2 books. I will post about the other one later - but the main one - the one that has me 'hypnotised' is one I've been trying to literally read for close to a year now - two other times I've picked it up and then put it down - this is the third time and I feel like I am finally getting lost in it:

This also has a little history in my life - you see I also attempted watching this film (which I hear is incredible), but I would get to the scenes where Willem Dafoe (who played Jesus) was on the cross and I'd nearly faint. Could NOT watch a crucifixion scene. I can hardly be around crucifixes..which sucks if you're a Catholic - they scare me (rightly so - my childhood girlfriend use to call it the 'Gored (meaning gory)Lord' LOL). So as badly I as I wanted to see/read this masterpiece I just could not do it...

Until now...I am wanting to devour this book and it is indeed a masterpiece. It is brilliantly written. So lush, so visual, so incredibly timely (seemingly accurate) that I am astounded. The sheer power and feelings invoked knock me on my ass. READ THIS BOOK! I know I am going to get to passages where I am going to have to put it down for a bit - but I think this time I will make it through.


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